Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Matrix

We are not free men; we are slaves, and bound to our Masters by adhesion contracts and secret Trusts. The goal of the Masters and their (agents) our elected officials, is to keep the people oppressed and subservient to them! As the Masters agents, they utilize propaganda techniques through government controlled schools; churches; the media and mind control by force and or the threat of force through the courts and police enforcement!
Police officers in America have been pumped full of more bullshit than a manure spreader and because of their trust, public school conditioning and training, they haven’t the ability to see what is going on! Many have been conditioned by previous military service, not to think for themselves but just follow orders, which makes many of them as dangerous as a Terrorist! Now ask yourself; who are the real Terrorists in America?
Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsGuess what; “the Constitution isn’t for the Police either” and still they are forced to swear an oath to defend it!” The more regulations, statutes and codes created, and the greater the number of regulatory officers and agencies created to enforce them; the greater the Masters control over their Slaves and that is mind control by force and threat of force, by the very people we rely on, to protect and serve!
At some point in history the foreign Agents in control of our Federal Government, decided that they needed to create Federal Police Agencies to protect them! I can’t blame them! If I was a part of a conspiracy that could result in the American people hanging me for Treason, I’d want bodyguards too! Now, if you are one of these public officials; how do you justify the employment and expense of bodyguards, when nobody is trying to injure you, and you don’t want anyone to know that you are committing Treason? Instead of confessing your motives; you must find a way to accomplish your objective and blame it on someone else!
HENCE: The birth of a bad law, The Volstead Act and the beginning of “Prohibition!” Enterprising people began to make money and others organized. Those who organized became mobs and when the mobs began killing each other, the free lance boot-legers and innocent people in drive by shootings; our federal officials sat back and enjoyed the show! They did absolutely nothing until the public was literally breaking down the doors of the Capitol Building: [Just like they had planned it!]
The FBI existed before this time. They were a small investigative unit under the Attorney Generals Office. The Agents had no arrest powers and were prohibited from carrying guns. Their only authority was to investigate federal employees and make reports to the attorney general, who then decided if the matter was serious enough to concern the government and whether to prosecute the employee! The FBI was eventually armed, expanded and provided national jurisdiction to fight the gangsters! None of which would have been necessary had it not been for The Volstead Act! Slowly, the agency has grown into the giant it is now and ironically; the Legislature never authorized their expansion. Everything was done by the AG administratively! Where does it say in the Constitution that a federal employee has the authority to create law, create a police authority or expand a current one?
Do you see how our government has circumvented the restrictions placed upon them by the Constitution and manipulated the American people? Every catastrophe, calamity or disaster has been planned and financed by our so-called public representatives with an ulterior motive in mind. The creation of Homeland Security was done in the same way! A Terrorist attack was staged by hired men having connections to the Middle East. I’m not going to go into the conspiracy, other than to say that President Bush and the FBI were as guilty as the men who high-jacked the commercial airplanes! The director of the FBI confessed to the Congress of his Agencies involvement under Presidential Order. He was relieved of his position and Congress took no action against President Bush and the media did not report any of this to the American people! Treason charges were filed against President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and the FBI by a two star General from the Pentagon and no action has ever been taken and nothing was ever reported to the American public, upon the orders of President Obama.
This was just another government catastrophe designed to make you (the public) beg the government to come to your aid and protect you! Each time one of these catastrophe’s are staged; our representatives steal more of our liberty and freedom from us, but America doesn’t care because now they feel safe once again! And that’s what these foreign Agents want us to believe and feel!
We complain today that government has eroded our rights! It’s true because we were lied to directly and indirectly and told to believe something other than truth! The correct term here is: “Propaganda” and all government controlled entities and institutions mentioned, are quite expert in the use of it! When I was a child; during a period labeled “the Cold War;” I remember my teacher’s telling the class how expert the Communists are in the use of “propaganda!” I can say now with absolute certainty that no one is as expert as the American government! In fact I believe that our government officials taught the World!
I don’t blame my teachers. Most of them were subjected to and spoon fed the same propaganda under direction of these foreign Agents and corporate entities that now employ them. Our teachers are simply spoon feeding our children with the same propaganda that was fed to them! Naturally, if a teacher becomes too creative and steps outside the box, or thinks outside the box, the penalty for such creativity is the termination of employment, their future profession and benefits! Generally, the reason used for termination is: “Failure to adhere to the established curriculum and or meet the needs of this establishment!” Who established the needs and curriculum? Why the government agents under the U. S. Department of Education, acting through the foreign Agents representing the Masters!
During the Bush Administration, a Treaty called the North American Alliance was negotiated and signed but the content was not reported to the American public. The Treaty guarantees that the boundary lines dividing Mexico, the United States and Canada will dissolve and become one country to be called North America, upon the installation of the New World Order Government! The currency for North America is being manufactured by the United States Mint. They are gold coins called AMEROS. I have pictures of these coins being minted, that were taken by an employee and smuggled out!
Everything in your life has been controlled from birth and you’re still being controlled! The free-thinkers of the world have either been murdered or institutionalized in asylums. Free-thinkers are a detriment to the Masters and their Agents! They have the potential to become (Martyrs), especially if the populace begins to pay attention to what the free-thinkers have to say or teach! Look at what happened to Jesus; John Kennedy; Bobby Kennedy; John Kennedy, Jr. and Martin Luther King, Jr.! If you believe John Kennedy, Jr. was an accidental death, then you probably believe that on 911, the attack on the twin towers was a real Terrorist attack!
[If you still think this way, after what you have read: Please stop reading; put your thumb in your ass and close your eyes! You are much too gullible, ignorant and brain dead to be helped and you deserve the treatment you and your family are certain to receive!]
Contrary to popular belief, nothing has changed since the day of Jesus! If Jesus was alive today, he would be declared a Terrorist and locked up in an asylum and slowly poisoned to death through the use of drug combinations that are designed to slowly consume life instead of heal. As long as free-thinkers profess their thoughts, they will be institutionalized until their death! Society will be told that these men are dangerous and or they will be classified as Terrorists!
The entire World is a ‘Slave Plantation’ and is set up under this same principle by the Masters, “the high contracting powers,” who have been identified in certain International Treaties as the Pope/Vatican, the United Nations, the King/Queen of (England or United Kingdom) and principals of the International Monetary Fund.
The coming of a “One World Government,” which public representatives and the media have been talking about, actually began in 1790 with the passage of the Articles of Confederation! These Articles and the principles therein, were first suggested in the Magna Carta and later became the foundation of the U. S. Constitution but, “there not for you!”
The Capitol City of the World has been identified as New York City, according to the United States Code. The United Nations with the blessings of the Vatican, keeps the World divided and in flux, under the principle of “Divide and Conquer,” and all religious orders within the United States are instructed to keep us passive! People, populations, economies, religions and political agendas of every country on earth are manipulated by the Masters, which keep each Country in a euphoric flux against the other.
Partial proof of such Power:
We are presently living under the Babylonian Talmud, which was introduced to England in 1066 and has been enforced by the Pope, various Kings and every religious Order since. This Babylonian Talmud represents total and relentless mind control in that people are taught to believe in fictions, things that do not exist [e.g.] Private International Law is now Commercial Law, which only deals in fictions; “fictions called persons, money, politics, government and authority.” The Uniform Commercial Code, known as the Law of Merchants, which is 6000 years old, was derived from ancient Babylon and is now Private International Law. [See: The Uniform Commercial Code, section 1-201]. PS/ Human rights do not exist in fictions!
Prior to 1066, many of the Kings subjects [Lords and Dukes] held allodial deeds to land, which are land grants from the King or past Kings and which prevented the present King or his agents from taxing, trespassing or enforcing his will upon those subjects. Land protected by an allodial deed and improved by a home made the subjects, Sovereigns in their own right and the king of his castle. In 1066, William the Conqueror defeated England and stole the Kings Title, his lands and the lands belonging to his subjects. From William I (1066) to King John (1199), England found itself in dire straights because it was bankrupt! During this span of time, parishioners routinely passed their land onto their family or to the church without the Kings permission. So the King invoked the ancient, “Law of Mortmain,” also known as “the dead man’s hand,” which is our modern day probate law.
The Pope and the Vatican objected to the “Law of Mortmain” because the King owed the Vatican a lot of gold he had borrowed and this law now prevented the church from receiving gifts of land. In 1208, England was placed under Papal interdiction (prohibition) and King John was excommunicated. King John was ignorant of the teachings of the Bible and was made to believe by Pope Innocent III, that the Pontiff was the “Vicar of Christ;” the ultimate owner of everything on earth, and the only one who could grant the King absolution for his sins; providing the King make a suitable gesture of repentance to the Pope and the Holy Roman Church!
Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsThe word “VICAR” is defined in Webster’s 1828 English Dictionary, to mean, “A person deputized or authorized to perform the function of another, a substitute in office,” and thereafter, all of the Popes since Pope Innocent III, pretend to be Jesus Christ on earth.
In his attempt to regain his stature, King John offered the Pope and the Holy Roman Church his Kingdom, plus 1000 gold marks each year as payment of a lease on the land, and he accepted the Pope’s appointed representative [appointed ruler] and swore submission and loyalty to Pope Innocent III and the Holy Roman Church. In 1213, a Treaty was entered into between the King and the Pope. The Treaty made the King a tenant of his former Kingdom and a trustee to the Pope and the Holy Roman Church. The Kings ancestors were later appointed Treasurer of the Vatican Bank and continue to serve in that capacity to date. [See: Treaty of 1213; and the Papal Bulls of 1455 to 1492; and The Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England from 1198 - 1216, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. 1956].
In 1215, the Barons of England reacted to the loss of their rights and privileges they once enjoyed before the 1213 Treaty, and so they revolted against King John and stormed the castle. Under the threat of death, they forced him to sign a document that recognized their stature and spelled out their individual rights! The document was named the Magna Carta. When Pope Innocent III was informed by King John about the Barons revolt and the Magna Carta; the Pope condemned the document and declared it null and void. In his written declaration to the Barons, the Pope stated that, “The Declaration of Human Rights embodied in the Magna Carta, violated the tenets of the church.” Imagine that— a church that does not believe in human rights — but has a prohibition against abortion! I believe that is called an, Oxymoron! [See: The Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England 1198 - 1216, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. 1956].
The Treaty of 1783, known as the Treaty of Peace, signed subsequent to the Revolutionary War; was a Treaty between King George, the Holy Roman Church and the representatives of the Corporate United States. The opening statement is written in Olde English and when interpreted means: “The King claims that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ and that God gave the King the power to declare that no man can ever own property because it goes against the tenets of his Church, the Vatican/The Holy Roman Church and because he is the Elector of the Holy Roman Empire.” [This is why no person or company can ever own real estate in America!] And the Founding Father’s agreed to that Declaration!
The Treaty of Verona, which took place on November 22, 1822, was another Treaty between the King of England, the Pope and the “high contracting powers” of the World and exemplifies the power that the Pope and the Vatican weld in the World and magnifies their interest in the Republic of the United States. It also explains what has happened to us in America.
The Treaty of Verona:
Article I: Basically states that the “high contracting powers” [the Masters] agree and decree that all representative forms of government and governments that recognize the individual sovereignty of ordinary people, is incompatible with “divine right” and all agree to use all of their efforts to bring an end to such governments, wherever they may be found or exist. [Isn’t the United States supposed to be a representative form of government, which recognizes individual sovereignty? At least that’s what the Declaration of Independence promised].
Article 2: That the “high contracting powers” agreed and decree that freedom of the press is a detriment to there existence and all promise to adopt measures to suppress the press in all of Europe. [If Americans want to know what is happening in the United States, they need to tune into the Foreign News Service because the American Press is suppressed beyond belief, ever since the Nixon administration and the Watergate scandal. Americas Press however, will talk badly about other countries and the Foreign Press reciprocates the favor. Do you remember my earlier comment about, “Divide and Conquer?” If you want to know what is happening in America, you need to watch and listen to the Foreign Press!
Article 3: Convinced that religion contributes powerfully to keep the people in a state of passive obedience, all of the “high contracting powers” agree to take measures to insure its continuation and a written accolade is directed to the Pope for his efforts to create and continue those measures. [An example of the measures they are speaking of involves the King James Bible.]
Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d news[e.g.] The King James Version of the Bible was concocted by the King under the guidance of Pope Innocent III. [This is the same King who was convinced by the Pope, that the Pope was God’s representative on earth!] This collaboration was kept secret to conceal the truth of their manipulation of the prophet’s written word. If you can locate an ancient manuscript of the Bible, which predates the King James Version; you will discover that [during the crucifixion of Christ], it is written in the ancient text that Jesus said: “Forgive them NOT, for they know what they do!” In the King James Version, it is written that Jesus said: “Forgive them Father, for they know NOT what they do.” The King James interpretation represents a passive version and is in keeping with the purpose and the accolade mentioned in Article 3 of the Treaty of Verona.
The King James Version of the Bible is the most popular version today and is presented to the masses by all government controlled Christian religions.
[Passive obedience however is not taught or practiced in the Muslim religion]. What was the lie our government used to explain the involvement of the armed forces of the United States and England, in the Middle East? I remember Muslim leaders screaming that this was a “Jihad,” [a holy war] and our so-called leaders denied the allegations. When the American people were later questioned by the media, they responded with disdain and disbelief!
Is there any wonder why there are now Muslim paramilitary camps being formed on American soil? And when our government officials were questioned why they permit these paramilitary camps to exist; their response was, [The U. S. Constitution protects their right to exist!] I remind you that this is the same Constitution that we are not a party too; has been circumvented by our government officials and fails to protect any rights of, “We the People!” The reason the foreign Agents posing as our federal representatives, are not concerned by the formation of these camps, is because of the mass genocide planned for the American population in the fall!
Korea is now in the news for testing nuclear weapons. Our government is making Korea look like the aggressors when in fact Korea does not want to be a part of the New World Order government and they are reacting out of fear! They simply want to live their lives as they see fit and our government officials and the United Nations are trying to bully them into submission!
The following further exemplifies the power of the Vatican in America:
“If the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed, he must be obeyed.” [Bened. XIV, De Sgn Dioec., lib., ix, c vii, n 4. Prati., 1844].
“Pontifical laws moreover become obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers.” [Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44].
“Hence, the jus nationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United States; may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff.” [Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, Volume I, pages 53 and 54].
[This passage is saying that the government has no authority to abolish or change ecclesiastical law in America and that only the Pope has the power to do that].
Keys to the Conspiracy:
“Alice in Wonderland,” a famous children’s story written by Leo J. Carroll, which was his pen name. The author’s true profession was that of a lawyer, a lawyer who had a conscience, “another oxymoron!” Leo J. Carroll was English and was privy to the early scheme and conspiracy to destroy all the Worlds governments and eventually replace them with a “One World Government!” So he instituted his own plan to inform the Worlds population about this nefarious conspiracy, by writing about it in a children’s story! He figured that parents would buy his book, read the story to their children and when the real conspiracy began to unfold; the parents would identify with his story and rise up against this evil!
Kudos to Leo J. Carroll, but unfortunately his plan was too quick and the pace of the conspiracy was too slow and methodical for anyone to make the connection!
Consider this information:
1) During my research, I discovered a Congressional Record from the 1930’s, which was a report compiled by an expert in counter intelligence hired by the British Parliament. The report detailed a plan or method to be employed by Parliament and the United States government, for the complete take over and destruction of the U. S. representative form of government! The report was sent to our Congress for review and then there was an argument from certain members of Congress who insisted that the report be recorded as “Top Secret,” out of a fear of reprisal, should the American people discover its existence!
The opposition members of Congress argued that the American people are functionally illiterate and too preoccupied with their own personal comfort, to be concerned about what we do! The report was entered into the open record of Congress and was never discovered until 2002! I have this Congressional Record in my computer documents!
2) I met a man who was once employed by Military Intelligence. He is now diseased. We became close friends and over time he confided in me something that had been bothering his conscious for many, many years! During his employment in the Military; he happened upon a scientific report by MI, prepared for the Congress. The report detailed a plan titled; “How to reduce the population of the United States.” The conclusion reached in the report was through mass vaccinations to cure a fictitious pandemic!
NOTE: As of June 2009, a former scientist, once employed by a large pharmaceutical company in the United States; has disclosed that before resigning from his employer, former President Bush, signed legislation that defers and eliminates the Federal Food and Drug Administrations mandatory product testing; defers and eliminates disclosure of possible dangers to the public; and defers and eliminates civil liability on the part of the FDA and the pharmaceutical company.
NOTE: This scientist revealed that the President and Congress are expected to order mass vaccinations for a (fictitious swine flu pandemic) in the fall of 2009 and that the vaccine to be used; contains small amounts of Bird guano, a substance known to cause serious illness and death and in several tests, killed the lab animals that were injected! This scientist suggested that most of the soldiers, who have died in the Middle East conflict, have died from these vaccinations, but no one is talking!
NOTE: The people who have died of (swine flu) so far, died because they were vaccinated with the vaccine that is planned to be given to the American population in the fall of 2009 and half of the Worlds population. The World Health Organization is expected to declare a (pandemic) and will request that President Obama and Congress order mandatory vaccinations in the United States! Any one who refuses to take the “death vaccine,” will be arrested as a Terrorist and will be committed into internment camps!
As a Terrorist, no one is permitted a lawyer, a hearing or a judge, pursuant to the new Patriot Act passed by Congress after 911.
The World Health Organization is owned by and under the direction of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families! Do you now see the pattern unfolding?
NOTE: Police officers, Sheriff’s Deputies, U. S. Military personnel and their families will not escape this mass genocide! All will be compelled to take the “death vaccine” right along with the rest of the general public!
My guess is that the federal or state governments will install another police authority to replace our Police, Sheriff’s Deputies and Military. My belief is that they will be using army personnel of the USSR and China. These armies are now occupying former military bases in each state that was closed down under the guise of budget cuts. Fort Dix in New Jersey now occupies a battalion of the Russian Army. I don’t know which bases are being occupied in the other states.
NOTE: One closed military base in each state, has also been converted into an “Internment Camp.” The Halliburton Corporation was hired by the federal government to modify each base and install maximum security buildings. Why would the United States require so many large Internment Camps? One camp should be sufficient!
Because these camps are expected to receive thousands of innocent Americans who simply refuse to submit to the “death vaccine!”
NOTE: Homeland Security is in charge of these camps and they have been training personnel to man these facilities since 911. According to one informant, the personnel have been told that anyone committed into their custody are members of a home grown Terrorist organization suspected of inflicting biological warfare upon America! The innocent people shot or interned will be blamed for the planned mass genocide being committed by our own government leaders!
The “want ads” in the newspapers, and on the internet by Homeland Security, seeking to employ people to help fight Terrorism, are the jobs they are attempting to fill at these Internment Camps!
What I don’t understand is why the members of the Press continue to follow Orders by not reporting anything when, from what my group of Internet Researchers have been able to determine; only members of the Congress, the Bar, Federal Police and their families will be protected and exempt from these vaccinations! The members of the press will be forced to submit to this “death vaccine” the same as everyone else!
NOTE: I have pictures of hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins purchased by our government, which are being stockpiled in New Jersey. These coffins are for the burial of dead Americans during this planned mass genocide.
I also have the statement by the scientist. He has been making Radio Announcements from a Pirate Radio Station in Chicago, attempting to warn the public of this planned mass genocide!
And I have copies of a complaint and restraining order, recently filed with the FBI, by an Australian Journalist, charging that the FDA, the World Health Organization and the
U. S. Federal Government is planning a World Pandemic against the population of the earth and that the United States population is expected to be decimated!
3) I met an elderly gentleman while living in Virginia. Somehow our conversation moved from the weather to the death of JFK and then the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I confessed to the gentleman that I had located Executive Orders signed by President Kennedy, six months before his assassination and that in those Executive Orders, President Kennedy disclosed that he and his brother Bobby, the Attorney General, have uncovered evidence that the Federal Reserve Bank was instituting a plan to undermine the American Economy!
President Kennedy “Ordered” the dismantling of the Federal Reserve Bank by these Executive Orders and “Ordered” that the U. S. Mint begin printing and circulating Silver Certificates to replace the Federal Reserve Notes in circulation. These facts were never presented to the special commission appointed to investigate JFK’s assassination and these Executive Orders were never repealed however, the Federal Reserve was never dismantled and after JFK’s assassination, the U.S. Mint ceased the printing of Silver Certificates. In the years to follow, the Federal Reserve Bank attempted to remove all of those Silver Certificates from circulation and destroy them. Only coin collectors possess any of the original Silver Certificates. The Collectors can trade or sell them between each other but they are prohibited now by law, from circulating them back into the American economy! Imagine that, the Congress passed a law prohibiting the circulation of lawful currency!
4) This same elder gentleman told me that when he was a child of 12, his father was a Mortician in Washington, DC and his family resided at the Funeral Home where his father was employed. This Funeral Home was eventually engaged by the White House to embalm the corpse of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, upon his death.
The elder gentleman then asked me; “Do you know why FDR’s funeral was a closed casket, when he died of natural causes?”
I didn’t know the answer! Then the elder gentleman responded: “Because my father didn’t know how to hide a bullet hole to the head!”
The man went on to elaborate how the Secret Service and FBI had visited the funeral home during this timeframe and made everyone swear under threat of death, not to reveal what we saw or knew! Nothing was ever reported to the public or printed about it in the history books and, “I’m too old now to give a shit about their threats!”
Just in case the old guy was simply trying to best my research on JFK; I wrote down the name of the Funeral Home and his last name, once I entered my vehicle. Later that afternoon I began to research FDR’s death and burial and discovered that the name of the Funeral Home matched! I then found a censes report for Washington, DC of that year and discovered that the old gentleman’s father was in fact a Mortician and he resided at the Funeral Home with his wife and two children!
5) Not knowing as much then as I do today; I telephoned the Washington Post and spoke to Bob Woodward, who was one of the two famous investigative reporters responsible for bringing down the Nixon Administration. I told Mr. Woodward about the possibility that FDR had been assassinated in office and was covered up! I gave him what information I could and told him that I hoped he would be able to solve this incident as well! This was seven years ago and nothing was ever printed, discussed in the Post or was ever released by any news service! Two years ago, I found the evidence of the Treaty of Verona and many other details discussed herein, which strongly suggests that freedom of the press no longer exists in America, (if it ever did!)
Some of you “Doubting Thomas’s” may want to argue with me that: “If this is such a huge conspiracy; how is it that you and your Internet friends can research everything on computers and write about it?”
The answer is that our Masters and their government agents are quite full of themselves! They have intelligence, wealth, influence and absolute power and control over everything and everyone on this earth but, they are human and suffer the same common frailties that every powerful leader has endured since the beginning of time; “fame and the desire for recognition!” They can’t talk or brag about their conspiratorial accomplishments while they are alive out of a fear of retaliation, which is in direct conflict with their human egos! So they are forced to settle for their accomplishments to be recorded in expectation that one day the MATRIX will be revealed and they will be recognized, revered and ogled by future generations of their kind!

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