Thursday, July 19, 2012

MICRO-PRINT On your Checks

To eliminate credit card debt, you must understand that the debt is not yours personally. Since you began doing money transactions, you've functioned as a voluntary fiduciary representative for a trust account, paying its bills with your own energy. When you set up your first checking account, you accepted this relationship with the trust the government had set up in your name. You have not had control of this trust because you never claimed it and your parents didn't know.

Notice how the "Money System" maintains the illusion. Look at your checkbook. How did they present your name? ALL CAPS. Odd, isn't it? Try to have them CHANGE that to normal capitalization. They CAN'T do it because their computers won't permit that. Bank staff may not be unaware of why. Do they insist on ALL CAPS because they would like to be very clear and allow no mistakes? A clue to that answer is the line on which you sign your name. It's not a line. It's nearly microscopic words, some of the finest fine print you might ever encounter. It generally says something like "ONLY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE." So you the human being has been given authority to sign the checks of your trust, which is an incorporated entity, a fiction. The checking account is not yours.

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