Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The United States is actually a corporation 10-30-15

The U.S which many Americans claim to be a citizen of, especially on government documents, is the the United States most people think it is.  The United States is actually a corporation, and is not the same as the sovereign United States of America.  Corporations are "artificial persons".   Governments are corporations; Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only [an idea], a government can only interface with other artificial persons. The imaginary – having neither actuality or Substance – is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of that is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them.

You make think, "This is impossible. We elect our president in this wonderful democracy! We vote for our leaders and represent us. They have our best interests in heart don't they?"  It's a nice thought, but is it actually true? No, it isn't. The government you willingly bow down to, is nothing more than a corporation. Acting as nothing more than employee, you cast your vote for the CEO of that Corporation. You may think that you elect politicians to represent you in your government, but that is not what you actually do.   That is part of a very carefully fostered illusion intended to keep you in your place and giving most of your earnings away.   Part of the secret is that what is supposed to be your 'government' is actually a privately owned, for-profit company and all that you do when voting, is help choose the serving officers inside that company.   It will never make the slightest difference to what happens in the future as the company policy and actions are controlled by the owners of the company and they are not influenced in any way whatsoever by what you want. You are nothing more than an employee. An entity used for the profit of the corporation.

Just in case you are not aware of it, the purpose of any commercial 'for-profit' company or corporation is to make money for it's owners (and shareholders if there are any).   The people whom you think of as 'The Government' don't do anything which earns money - instead, they take money from you and their main job is to make sure that you don't realize that they are in the same position as IBM which takes away a cool £256 million of your money every year."

Congress formed the United States Government as a Corporation in an Act called, "The District Of Columbia Organic Act of 1871." That means we are not talking about the national government of the United States of America. We are talking about the private corporation named, "The United States Government" (Corp U.S). It is also known as the "UNITED STATES" and "U.S"

In short, there is no ‘parity’ or ‘equality’ between a tangible ‘real’ Living Man of Substance and the idea or imaginative construction of a created form of government that has been cause to arise as an aritificial person, abstraction of a "fiction”. As such, there is no government that can concern itself directly with ‘in’ the affairs of the Living Man, as the Living [tangible] Man [of Substance] is superior in every regard and cannot be subordinated by the abstraction that is a mere idea operating in the form of "government”.

Note: "government” is either by mutual will and informed consent or agreement, OR is by proxy, default, or otherwise [ie. conquest, occupation, compelled, induced, or by misrepresentation, fraud, deceipt, obfuscation]

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