Wednesday, September 10, 2014

America is not in a moral crisis. America is in an Intelligence crisis. 12-30-15

America is not in a moral crisis. America is in an Intelligence crisis. Over 50 percent of American's have an I.Q. between 90 and 110. This allows them to eat, sleep, labor and breed but not much more. It is an impossibility for most American's to understand even the simplest of abstract concepts or to follow the simplest of instructions. Logic, analytical and quantum reasoning are completely
out of the question. Most American's are functionally illiterate. THIS IS NOT THEIR FAULT! It is because of the food supply being deficient in nutrition. American's lack of intelligence is also caused by vaccines, pharmaceuticals,fluorides, detergents, industrial cleaners commonly called shampoo etc.
Americans have been poisoned.
whats in your flu vaccine
Less than 0.5 percent of American's have an I.Q. of 140 or over. Most of these people rule over the others. Take lawyers for example. You just don't decide to be a lawyer. After four years of schooling you have to take the LSAT. The LSAT is a test based mostly on analytical reasoning. The LSAT plays a major role in what Magic Law School one may be accepted into. Not all Magic Law School's are created equal. Yale University only accepts 3 percent of the applicants. Now a buffoon would not even apply to such a prestigious School so, we are talking the best of the best and out of them only three percent are accepted. So after four years of schooling in a pre law program you have to attend Magic Law School for three years in order to become a lawyer. Even after all of that you still must pass the BAR exam. To be a 'Magic Law Man' (Lawyer) it takes a lot of study,discipline and intelligence. I don't like lawyers but, I do like watching them work their magic. I really enjoy reading their magic papers such as motions and briefs. To me, watching a lawyer at work is by far the most enjoyable activity one can engage in. Even after all of the horrible things that lawyers have done to me, I still enjoy them. All lawyers lie. They have to in order to keep the people hallucinating. Lawyers will never tell the truth. No one would believe them anyway.

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