Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Discharge Reversionary Interest

First off, no one is "accessing" any "estate". The financial markets essentially are clearing houses for "liens" ... those liens are placed against the "estate" of the INFANT, which is "represented" by that Name/NAME we all use.

The (Capitis Maximus ) INFANT is presumed dead, thus the State is now "employed" to act as "conservator", investing and managing the "assets" of the INFANT, but forbidden to actually use those assets, but can "leverage" (license) them for "loans" which result in "maritime liens" against the "estate" under conservator-ship by the State who is also "guardian" of those "interests" or "estate".

A "contract", since all "title" and "consideration" has been "re-moved" from "circulation", now exists as a "trust" and only "interests" are "exchanged" ... it is who has what interest that determines the "taxable value" or "income" from the "transaction".

trust = contract
corpus = object of contract
income = value of exchange
beneficiary = one who should receive either corpus or income
trustee = one who should have gotten paid or representative of such
grantor = owner of contract because the "rights" revert to the "estate" from which they originated

estate = interest in property

property = registered infant

birth = the act of a parent in exposing an infant of tender years (usually under seven) in any place, with intent wholly to desert it. [Birth Record = abandoned infant]

the "presumption of death" serves as the means by which the State adminsitrates the estate under a conservatorship the infant estate is always a ward ... it the terms of use one negotiates for a contractual nexus - that needs to occur and in every contract, there are actually two trusts operating side by side as the trustee of one trust is the beneficiary of the second. People forget about this "duality aspect".

You see that word "revert"? This is an "interest" of the "estate" and according to "tax law"

According to 26 USC § 2037 (b ) the term "reversionary interest" includes a possibility that property transferred by the decedent:

(1) may return to him or his estate, or

(2) may be subject to a power of disposition by him,

but such term does not include a possibility that the income alone from such property may return to him or become subject to a power of disposition by him.

26 USC § 673 - Reversionary interests
(a ) General rule
The grantor shall be treated as the owner of any portion of a trust in which he has a reversionary interest in either the corpus or the income therefrom, if, as of the inception of that portion of the trust, the value of such interest exceeds 5 percent of the value of such portion.

Reversionary Interest Definition:
Any interest, vested or contingent, the enjoyment of which is postponed.

Seisin in law …."Livery" (or delivery) by "seisin in law" occurred when the parties to the transaction went within sight of the land to be conveyed and the transferor declared to the recipient that possession had been granted. This constituted however only an incomplete conveyance. (such as "birth event registration”)

The phrase "to sue one's livery" refers to the formal recognition of a noble's majority, in exchange of payment, for conferring the powers attached to his title, and thereby freeing him from dependence as a ward.

"Reversionary Interest" is the "payment" to be "exchanged" to "confer the power attached to the title" and "free from dependence as a ward"

For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money. - Isaiah 52:3

Since the “estate” of the INFANT, the entity created during the birth event, has been probated, there is an operational presumption that "decedent" (INFANT) could return, and the possibility gives rise to what is known and described as "reversionary interest" and because the "estate" of that INFANT has been held under "conservatorship" of which the State is "guardian", all transactions regarding the "estate" result in a "de facto" (in actual practice and operation) "maritime lien" against said estate. Federal Reserve Notes are "de facto" or "in fact" maritime liens against the property and assets of the people of the nation. Don't take my word for it, go look it up. It is right there in the Treasury website.

The "stocks, bonds, etc ..." being traded as the people in these groups like to chase via the CUSIP crap, are actually the result of the "monetization equation" regarding those liens in order to facilitate commerce as those "debts" have never been settled. As such, those liens remain attached to a "decedent's estate" and the only way those funds are "released" is by either A) a death certificate is issued (IE: via war, which the "liquidation" of the "delinquent creditors"; the people) or B) the "purchaser" of those interests settles up, which is us when we use the name because now a 'living man' or 'natural person' is using it, thus is either "purchaser" or "de facto nominee over the executor-ship of the estate"; either way, the "lien" becomes due because of that "reversionary interest".

Once the "decedent" comes forth, or at least the one who "purchased" those interests, the entirety of the estate "reverts" to the "purchaser", including all reversionary interests, which amount to the right, duty, and obligation to settle those liens against the estate to release the assets contained within. It is that interest, reversionary interest, of which must be “assigned to and for the account of the United States” which will allow 12 USC 95a(2) to kick in and also cause the State to release the funds from conservatorship and credit the "memory" or "reputation" of SSN account so any "transaction" utilizing that account will automatically zero out; acquitting the debt (payment) and discharging the property from duty (under martial law) allowing the "law" to fall away.

This is akin to the little old lady who gave 100% while the wealthy businessman gave 10% and while his actual contribution was much greater in quantity, the little lady gave 100%, uniting all jurisdictions and fulfilling the law, thus she was protected....one becomes an asset in commerce (by allowing for the fulfillment of contracts) by becoming a liability in capitalism (resulting no sin/debt for monetization (to make one salt of the earth or merchandise (chattel property))).

Think Lot and his wife ... can you be "one righteous man"? or will you look back?

It is the "last jot and tiddle" so one can finally "escape" "purgatory".

The trees will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops; the people will be secure in their land. They will know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them. - Ezekiel 34:27

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors - 1 Peter 1:18

 Revelation 2:10 "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life." Your wealth and your treasures I will give as plunder, without charge, because of all your sins throughout your country. - Jeremiah 15:13

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