Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Become a Secured Party Creditor via a UCC/UCC-1 Lien Filing Process through our UCC Redemption

A secured party creditor is someone who holds the superior lien over the (Strawman) debtor. As a Secured Party Creditor you can eliminate your credit card debt and stop foreclosures. Become a Secured Party Creditor TODAY via a UCC/UCC-1 Lien Filing Process through our UCC Redemption Book.

Becoming a Secured Party Creditor is your first step toward Sovereignty. Once completed, you will have established the foundation to manage the commercial affairs of the debtor, and the standing to protect yourself from all public claims made against your straw man (strawman), which is your name in ALL CAPITIAL LETTERS. This can be accomplished by filing your UCC-1(Uniform Commercial Code-1).

While the Secured Party Creditor status rebuts the presumption that you are property of the state, you must still bargain for your rights as a Sovereign. Only citizens (slaves) of the state have privileges. For Sovereigns, rights without contract are a fantasy. If you do not see your image in the depiction of the founding fathers at the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, you are not party to the contract. This last statement may be a shocking revelation to many of you, but it is nonetheless true. If you did not gather in private discussion with your fellow man for the purpose of determining how you wish to govern and be treated by other sovereigns-If you have not framed a declaration of your rights for which you pledge your life, your wealth, and your sacred honor, as did the signatories to the U.S. Constitution, then you have but one unilateral right-to institute a claim. However this right is negated under the Declaration of International Rights and Duties if the Individual, which reads as follows:

"VII. Every individual is entitled to be protected and assisted by the state to which he belongs, in the manner and form established by treaties and by international law. No individual who, according to the law of the state against which he institutes a claim, as a citizen of that state, shall be entitled to such protection ". The United Nations Conference on International Organization page 105, Department of State publication 2490, Conference Series 83, 1946.
Strawman Redemption
Establish your Strawman account by doing your UCC/UCC-1 Lien Filing Process through our UCC Redemption Book.

The first step in returning yourself to a sovereign individual is that you have to take back your artificial straw man (strawman), and reclaiming it as YOUR debtor. If you were to take a look at your driver's license, social security card right now, you would see your name in all capital letters. That is your straw man (strawman) that the government created for you. In order to take back your straw man (strawman) you need to file a UCC-1 Financing Statement, filed with your Secretary of State's office. The UCC-1 defines exactly who the debtor is and who is the secured party creditor. Your name in all capital letters is the debtor and your name with initial capitals and the rest lower case letters, is you, the secured party creditor. As more and more people perform this process, some states are making the filing of UCC-1 forms more difficult, some states are refusing to file it all together.

The other part of the reclamation of your straw man (strawman) process is the Security Agreement. Though this document is not filed with the UCC-1 form, it should be referred to in the Financing Statement section of the UCC-1. It is a properly executedSecurity Agreement that makes your filing legitimate since it is an agreement between your flesh & blood you and your artificial you. You cannot go around making other people or entities your debtors unless you have something to back up your claim.
UCC-1 Lien Filing Process
The UCC-1 Lien Filing Process begins by doing a proper and professional UCC redemption process with the help of our UCC Redemption Book.

The UCC-1 form should be filed in your state of birth since that is the 'port of entry' for your straw man (strawman). If you are living in and own property and/or do business in a different state at present, for your property protection, a UCC-1 should also be filed in your current state.

The UCC-1 Financing Statement as well as the other information filled in on the UCC-1 is most critical not only for the effectiveness of it, but also on the success in getting your forms filed. The UCC Redemption Book gives you step by step instructions on how to prepare your UCC-1 Financial Agreement and your Commercial Lien, Security Agreement, Hold Harmless, Power of Attorney and Copyright Notice documents.

Our UCC Redemption Book will guide you through the complete process of becoming a secured party creditor. It is highly recommended that you read through the entire UCC Redemption Books a few times until you are comfortable with the overall process before proceeding with document preparation. Every effort has been made to provide clear and complete instructions for all phases of the process. Be forewarned that accuracy is essential to the process and there is considerable detail involved.

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