Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Today the majority of Americans pay taxes because when they get a job their employer requests that they fill out either: Internal Revenue Service Form W-2, Form W-4, or Form 1099, which, as a direct result, with holds taxes from their paychecks for their labor. The majority doesn't have a clue as to why they are paying these taxes in the first place, otherthan being conditioned to pay their so-called 'Fair Share!'It has been affirmed that labor is a fundamental, unalienable, protected right and thisfundamental right is not supposed to be taxed. No profit of gain is to be realized via your labor!It is presumed that everyone is expected to know the law. It has been long held that,ignorance of the Law is not an excuse or a defense. There is a well-established maxim that states, "He who fails to assert his rights - HAS NONE!" which unequivocallyestablishes that, just as a closed mouth never gets fed, "a matter must be expressed to beresolved."The Bible, Book of Luke, 11th Chapter 52nd verse states: "Woe unto you, lawyers! for yehave taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that wereentering ye hindered. "When it comes to dealing with lawyers, government, and the Internal Revenue Service(which is not an agency of the United States Government, but a private foreign-ownedcorporation) withholding and keeping knowledge from the people is nothing new. It is acommon business tactic that has been going on from the beginning of its inception. Itwill, most likely continue as long as we rely upon lawyers and government to do thatwhich we ourselves should be doing.The Bible unquestionably verifies this with the following: Book of Isaiah, 5th Chapter13th verse tells us: "Therefore my peole are gone into captivity, because they have noknowledge;" and the Book of Hosea, 4 Chapter 6th verse: "My people are destroyed fora lack of knowledge. "In order to find the answer as to why your labor is being taxed when the Constitution saysit is not supposed to be, it is necessary to understand how government exists andoperates.To accomplish this requires a quick review back in history to the time of the WarBetween the States. The People of this Nation lost their true Republican form ofgovernment. On March 27, 1861 seven southern States walked out of Congress leavingthe entire legislative Branch of Government without quorum. The Congress of theConstitution was dissolved for inability to disband or re-convene. The Republican formof Government, which the People were guaranteed - ceased to exist. Out of necessity tooperate the Government, President Lincoln issued Executive Order No. 2. in April 1861,reconvening the Congress at gunpoint in Executive, emergency, martial-law-rulejurisdiction. Since that time there has been no "'de jure" (sanctioned by law) Congress.Everything functions under "color of law" (the appearance or semblance, withoutsubstance, of legal right.) Through Executive Orders under authority of the War Powers,(i.e. emergency, i.e. law of "Necessity knows no law" (the law of forbidding killing is voided when done in selfdefense)."In time of war, laws are silent. " Cicero.To establish the underlying debt of the Government to the Bankers, to create corporateentities that are legally subject to the jurisdiction in which they exist, and to create thejurisdiction itself correctly, the so-called (fraudulent and un-ratified) FourteenthAmendment was proclaimed and passed in 1 868. This was a cestui que trust (operation inlaw) incorporated in a military, private, International, commercial, de facto jurisdictioncreated by, and belonging to, the Money Power, existing within the emergency of theWar Powers, the only operational jurisdiction since the dissolution of Congress in 1 86 1 .Through the 1 4th Amendment, an artificial person-corporate entity-franchise entitled"citizen of the United States" was born into private, corporate limited liability. Section 4of the 1 4th Amendment states : "The validity of the Public Debt of the United States (tothe Bankers) ... shall not be questioned. "Within the above-referenced private jurisdiction of the International B ankers, the privateand foreign owned "Congress" formed a corporation, commercial agency, andGovernment for the "District of Columbia" on February 2 1 , 1 87 1 , Chapter 62, 1 6 Stat.4 1 9. This corporation was reorganized June 1 1 , 1 878, Chapter 1 80, 20 Stat. 1 02, and renamed"United States Government. " This corporation privately trade marked the names:"United States, " "U. S . , " "US , " "U.S .A. , " "USA" and "America. "When the United States declared itself a municipal corporation, it also created what isknown as a cestui que trust to function under by implementing the Federal Constitution of1 87 1 , and incorporating the previous United States Constitutions of 1 787 and 1 79 1 asamended, as by-laws. Naturally, as the grantor of the trust, this empowered the UnitedStates Government to change the terms of the trust at will. As evidenced under theFederal Constitution of 1 87 1 , the 1 4th Amendment, the People of the United States,without their consent, were declared "Citizens" and granted "Civil Rights. " These socalledcivil rights are nothing more than mere privileges. Privileges which governmentlicenses, regulates, and can re-interpret to suit its purposes at any time for any reason.The Federal Corporate Government also conveniently somehow forgot to disclose to thePeople that the term "Citizen," with which they have made every living and breathinginhabitant a "subj ect," was defined in law as a "Vessel" engaged in commerce.In 1 9 1 2, when the bank-owned bonds that were keeping the US Government afloatbecame due, the B ankers refused to re-finance the debt. As a result, the colorable,martial-law ruled Congress was compelled to pass the Federal Reserve Act of 1 9 1 3 . ThisAct surrendered Constitutional authority to create, control, and manage the entire moneysupply of the United States to a handful of private, mostly-foreign bankers. This placedexclusive creation and control of the money within the private, commercial, foreign, andmilitary jurisdiction of 1 86 1 , into corporate limited liability.America converted from United States Notes to Federal Reserve Notes, beginning withthe passage of The Federal Reserve Act of 1 9 1 3 . Federal Reserve B anks wereincorporated in 1 9 1 4, and, in 1 9 1 6, began to circulate their private, corporate FederalReserve Notes as "money" alongside the nations "de jure" currency, the United StatesNotes. Whereas United States Notes were actually warehouse receipts for deposits ofgold and silver in a warehouse (bank), thus representing wealth (substance, portable land;the money of sovereigns), the new flat money (Federal Reserve Notes) amounted to "billsfor that which was yet to be paid, " i.e. for what was owed ! For the new "benefit" of beingable to carry around U.S. Government debt instruments (Federal Reserve Notes) in ourwallets instead of Gold Certificates or Silver Certificates, we agreed to redeem the newly issued Federal Reserve Notes in gold and also to pay interest for their use in gold ONLY!Essentially, the Fed issued paper with pretty green ink on it and we agreed to give themgold in exchange for the "privilege" of using it. Such was the bargain.Through paying interest to the Federal Reserve Corporation in gold, the US Treasurybecame progressively depleted of its gold. America's gold certificates, coin, and bullionwere continually shipped off to the coffers of various European B anks and Power Elite.In 1933, when the Treasury was drained and the debt was larger than ever (afinancial condition known as " Insolvency"), President Roosevelt proclaimed thebankruptcy of the United States. Every 1 4th Amendment "citizen of the United States "was pledged as an asset to finance the Chapter 1 1 re-organization expenses and payinterest in perpetuity to the CREDITORS (Federal Reserve Bankers) and the "nationaldebt" ( "which shall not be questioned").On March 9, 1 93 3 , Congress passed the Amendatory Act (also known as the EmergencyBanking Relief Act) to the Trading with the Enemy Act (originally passed on October 6,1 9 1 7) at a time when the United States was not in a shooting war with any foreign foethat included the People of the United States as the enemy.At the conference of Governors held on March 6, 1 93 3 , the Governors of the 48 States ofthe Union accommodated the Federal B ankruptcy of the United States Corporation bypledging the faith and credit of their State to the aid of the National Government . . . whichattached to YOU !Senate Document 43 of the 73rd Congress, 1 st Session ( 1 933) did declare that ownershipof ALL PROPERTY is in the STATE and individual so-called ownership is only byvirtue of government, i.e. law amounting to "mere-user" only; and individual use of allproperty is subordinate to the necessities of the United States Government.Under House Joint Resolution 1 92 of June 5, 1 93 3 , Senate Report No. 93549, andExecutive Orders 6072, 60 1 2 and 6246, the Congress and President Roosevelt officiallydeclared bankruptcy of the United States Government.Regardless of the cause or reason, what many American's either do not understand and/orhave failed to seriously grasp, is that by the use of Federal Reserve Notes; (which is notConstitutional Money defined under Article I Section 1 0 of the United StatesConstitution), the People of the United States, since 1 93 3 , have not had anyConstitutionally lawful way to pay their debts. They, therefore, have not had any way tobuy or own property. The People, for the benefits granted to them by a bankruptcorporate Government, discharge their debts with limited liability using Federal ReserveNotes. They have surrendered, by way of an unconscionable contract, any semblance of'Rights ' as exchanges for mere privileges !A review of countless United States Supreme Court decisions since the 1 938, landmarkcase, Erie Railroad v. Tompkins, (304 U . S . 64-92) clearly establishes that only the Statehas Constitutional Rights, not the People. The People have been pledged to thebankruptcy of 1 9 3 3 . The federal law administered in and by the United States is theprivate commercial "law" of the CREDITORS . That, due to the bankruptcy, every"citizen of the United States " is pledged as an asset to support the bankruptcy, must workto pay the insurance premiums on the underwriting necessary to keep the bankruptgovernment in operation under Chapter II Bankruptcy (Reorganization). That upon thedeclared B ankruptcy, Americans could operate and function only through their corporatecolored, State created, ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERS-NAME, - that has no access tosovereignty, substance, rights, and standing in law. The Supreme Court also held the"general (Universal) common law" no longer is accessible and in operation in the federalcourts based on the 1 933 bankruptcy, which placed everything into the realm of private,colorable law merchant of the Federal Reserve CREDITORS . To take this to a differentlevel, and not only explain why you pay taxes, but also why you do not own the houseyou live in, the car you drive, or own anything else you think you've bought and paid foretc . , you will need to understand that their State Government and its CREDITORS ownit all. If you think you own your home just because you believe you paid for it usingthose Federal Reserve Notes, just like everything else you possess by permission ofGovernment, simply stop paying your taxes, (user-fees and licenses) and see j ust howlong Government and the CREDITORS allow you to keep it before they come to take itaway from you.How can all this really be? Why haven't you been told all of this before now? Ignoranceof the law is no excuse. Every man is deemed (required) to know the law. Governmentexpects you to know the law, and holds you fully accountable for doing so. Ignoringthese facts will not protect you. The majority of American's have been given a Publicgovernment Education to teach them only what the Public, i.e. government(CREDITORS) wants them to know. It is and always has been each individual' s personalresponsibility, duty and obligation to learn and know the law.What this breaks down to is this: B ack in 1 93 3 , when their United States went intobankruptcy because it could no longer pay its debts, it pledged the American People,themselves, without their consent as the asset to keep the government afloat andoperating. B ecause government no longer had any way to pay its debts with substance,and was bankrupt, it lost its sovereignty and standing in law. Outside and separate fromConstitutional Government, to continue to function and operate, it created an artificialworld consisting of artificial entities. This was accomplished by taking everyone's properbirth given name and creating what is called a "fiction in law," by way of an acronym, i.e.a name written in ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERS to interact with. A name written in ALLCAPITAL-LETTERS is not a sentient, flesh and blood man. It is a corporation, fictionor deceased person. Government, as well as all corporations, including the InternalRevenue Service, cannot interact with you or interact with you via your proper namegiven you at birth, only through your ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERS-NAME!Another little tidbit of knowledge which has been conveniently kept from the People isthis: When the Several united States signed the treaty with Great Britain ending theRevolutionary War, it was a concession that ALL COMMERCE would be regulated andcontracted through British Attorney's known as Esquires only.This condition and concession still exists today. No attorney or lawyer in the UnitedStates of America has ever been "licensed" to practice law (they've exempted themselves)as they are a legal fiction "person" and only an "ADMITTED MEMBER" to practice inthe private franchise club called the BAR (which is itself an acronym for the British orB arrister Aristocratic Accreditation Regency), and as such are un-registered foreignagents, and so they are traitors. Esquires (Unconstitutional Title of honor and nobility =Esquires), foreign non-citizens (aliens) are specifically prohibited from ever holding anyelected Public Office of trust whatsoever ! Article I, Section 9, clause 8, states: "No Titleof Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office ofProfit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept anypresent, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatsoever, from any King, Prince, orforeign State . "A s a direct result, attorneys and lawyers cannot and d o not represent you i n your 'PrivateCapacity. ' Attorneys and lawyers represent corporations, artificial persons, and fictions inlaw - ONLY !
What the majority in this country fail to recognize is this: because of the bankruptcy andhaving been pledged as an asset to the National Government's debt, this makes allcitizens DEBTORS under Chapter 1 1 . DEBTORS in bankruptcy have lost their solvency,have NO RIGHTS, no STANDING IN LAW, and are at the mercy of theCREDITORS . . . via their attorneys.All courts today sit and operate as Non-Constitutional, Non-Article Three LegislativeTribunals administering the bankruptcy via their " statutes," ("codes. ") All Courts are Title1 1 Bankruptcy Courts where these statutes are, in reality, "commercial obligations" beingapplied for the "benefit" or "privilege" of discharging debts with limited liability of theFederal Reserve-monopoly, colorable-money Federal Reserve Notes (debt Instruments) .This means every time you end up before a court - not only do you NOT have anystanding in law to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, YOU HAVE NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ! Why? B ecause you are a DEBTOR under the bankruptcy and, in addition to having contracted away your rights in exchange forbenefits and privileges, you do not have one single shred of evidence to establish otherwise.In bankruptcy, ONLY CREDITORS have rights! In a nutshell, as a DEBTOR, you have no rights. Rights are reduced to mere privileges which are licensed, regulated, andcan be altered, amended and changed to meet whatever the particular or special needs oftheir government may be for whatever whim. If taking away your home, your car, taxing your labor, or locking you up for violating any of the Sixty MILLION plus legislatively created DEBTOR codes and statutes they have on the books today happens to meet the needs of their government - it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize who the loser will be !

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