Thursday, September 16, 2010

Opportunity for Self Regulation?

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission is examining the causes underlying our current financial crisis. The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling is charged with examining the causes and circumstances surrounding the BP oil spill in the Gulf this year. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency's job might be so large that we can only guess what it might tackle first, including credit scoring, student loans, overdrafts and payday loans (See, Six Problems the Consumer Financial Protection Agency Should Tackle First). Business interests oppose government involvement and oversight pretty broadly across the board (see, Fight Over Consumer Agency Looms, Business Groups, Obama Administration Spar Over Corporate Governance, The Case Against Corporate Social Responsibility, Businesses Buy Ads vs. Health Overhaul, US Must Control Deficit).

Yet, isn't there an opportunity here for businesses to engage in increased self oversight and regulation? One of those the best offense is a defense line of thinking. The Financial Services Forum states relative to financial oversight "[t]he Forum will continue to work constructively with the regulators charged with implementation of the legislation to create a financial supervisory framework that ensures institutional safety and soundness and systemic stability, while also meeting the financial needs of American businesses, workers, consumers, and investors." The Business Roundtable's list of Initiatives stresses outright that corporate leadership is the best way to foster trust in corporations. The Business Roundtable's list includes health care and retirement, education, fiscal policy, globalization and environmental concerns.

An aggressive list of priorities without dispute. But has business come through on these fronts? And, I mean not individual companies, but as a group? Despite the commissions investigating, new agencies and increased regulation, there is always an opportunity for business to head off looming problems, whether it is speculation, an innovation like credit derivative swaps poised to cause the next financial crisis or plain overreaching by businesses with consumers.

Self regulation and coordination is not unknown to business generally or to specific industries. Anil Gupta and Lawrence Lad commented "Researchers generally have viewed non-market regulation of firm behavior as synonymous with direct regulation by the government." Industry Self-Regulation: An Economic, Organizational, and Political Analysis. See also, Toffel, Industry Self-Regulation: What's Working (and What's Not)?. The whole idea, of course, is that self-regulation can either supplement or take the place of government regulation. While industries can engage in self-regulation more or less and in different manners, it has its effectiveness.

When I hear of businesses opposed to government regulation of a perceived problem, a common complaint is that government regulation hampers business growth generally, costs a lot and stifles innovation. While I understand that businesses want to make money off of the newest innovation, self regulation would seem to allow the financial community for instance to head off some of the systemic risks of the "innovation," such as the credit derivative swaps. Just because there is money to be made does not mean that it should be made if the "innovation" will lead to over-speculation causing a financial crisis. Yet, government regulation would not seem to always be the most efficient in these cases due to the time involved in establishing oversight of newer financial products.

Michael Toffel argues there are four main facets to self-regulation: "how the rules are designed, who adopts them, whether and how compliance is monitored, and whether these rules actually achieve what they purport to achieve." I agree that these considerations dictate whether the laudatory goals of the Business Roundtable and Financial Services Forum will have any effect on market participant behavior. Self regulation must be meaningful. While the door is open for financial services companies to show leadership on many open regulatory issues, movement is slow. With so much attention being given to opposing Elizabeth Warren as the new head of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, perhaps business might be better served by turning to the issues (See, Warren's New Job).


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