Saturday, May 8, 2010

Inexpensive Mother's Day Gifts.

There are 83 million moms in the United States! I just came home from the florist with my children ($10.47 in flowers), am getting ready to order pizza ($25 for two extra large at Pappa John's), and settling in for a movie night with my children ($40 for new dvds) for our little Mother's Day celebration! Mother's Day is a billion dollar business just behind the winter holidays! The cost in jewelry for moms is $2.5 billion,$1.9 billion for flowers for moms and $2.9 billion for eating out! Wow! (See CNN, Cost of Mother's Day). Just saw this piece on inexpensive gifts for Mother's Day!

Hopefully some of this consumer spending helps the economy. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

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