Monday, March 31, 2014

The Civil War

In 1 860-6 1 , the Southern states (Representatives of the Original Signatories of the Social
Compact) walked out of Congress. This created sine die. Abraham Lincoln was elected
President. The South walked out and declared their states' rights pursuant to the Social Compact
known as the U.S. Constitution. Slavery was only window dressing for the Civil War. The war
had nothing to do with slavery. It has to do with States (the Right of the present living Posterity
of the Original Signatories to the Social Compact to alter or abolish the forms of government
which their Forefathers established for themselves and their Posterity) Rights and the National
debt to the Creditor' s Fiscal Agent (the bankers). The South wanted to be redeemed from the
Crown in England. The North wanted to remain under their dominion and their debt.
When the Posterity of the Member States of the South ordered their Representatives to walk out
of Congress, this ended the public side of the bifurcated Constitution as far as the Republican
form of government was concerned. What remained of the government was the private side, the
democracy (the remaining Mob of illegitimate members of the congressional body of agents who
had breached the organic social compact known as the U.S, Constitution which the beneficiaries
of the Original Signatories of the Trust so established for their Posterity) foisted upon them
under the rule of the (Fiscal Agents of the Crown) bankers.
During and after the Civil War, the original 1 3th Amendment was replaced and a new 1 3th
Amendment was issued first by Executive Order, and then enacted under Martial Law on
December 1 8, 1 865 ; the 14th Amendment was enacted similarly on July 28, 1 868; The 1 5th
Amendment enacted similarly on March 30, 1 870.
President Lincoln, by Executive Order proclaimed the first Trading With the Enemy Act.
President Lincoln stated, "The government should create, issue, and circulate all currency and
credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of
consumers. " Further, he quoted, "The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the
supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government's greatest opportunity. "
Afterwards, he was murdered because h e defied the bankers b y printing interest free money to
pay for the war efforts.

The 14th Amendment brought the freed slaves, whose previous owners were private plantation
owners and transferred those slaves under slavery of the government, the assumed ten miles
square jurisdiction of Washington, D.C.
At any given period of time, the only people in the United States who were under the jurisdiction
of the private bifurcated government of the assumed ten miles square of Washington, D.C., were
the government employees and those who created the social compact, and of course those
residing as resident and non-resident aliens within the territories owned by the United States and
now the former slaves. The former Citizens of those living in the Southern portion of the social
construct known as the United States for The United States of America, now "captured," became
14th Amendment £itizens by Martial Law. Their only express and sole privilege was to vote as
granted by the 1 5th Amendment. The remainder of the compact party people of the posterity
related thereto, could still invoke the power over government through original jurisdiction of the
Republic side of the Constitution only in limited application from any curtailed privilege and
immunity effected pursuant thereto by way of the Act of July 27, 1 868, c249, § 1 , 1 5 Stat. 223,
Rev. Stat. § 1 999, now Title 8, U.S.c. §§ 800-80 1 (Expatriation Act).
Thus, the new form of Democracy (MOB RULE-MARTIAL LAW), as the government was so
styled, operated fully under the authority of private law dictated by the creditor, according to the
principals of International Public Order.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Skeptical about Bitcoin: No Old White Man Here

Warren Buffet advised investors to stay away from Bitcoin, dubbing it a "mirage."

Yet, he took some hits from capitalist Marc Andreeseen for being an "old white m[a]n crapping on new technology [he doesn't] understand."   See Bitcoin: Both Buffet and Andreeseen are Right

But, about three years ago, I said much the same thing, commenting there are "no quick fixes or easy roads to avoid market volatility and economic instability."  See, What is a Bitcoin? Where Did My Bitcoin Go?  I see Bitcoin much in the way that Buffett does, basically it is a way to transmit money.  It is not a currency of the sort that we expect to be backed by government.  The IRS has come out explicitly and classified the Bitcoin as not a currency, but property.  See IRS: Virtual Currency Guidance

If investors expect to make money investing in Bitcoin, there would be costs on the users of the system, much in the way that the credit and debit card system works.  But, I have more confidence that losses arising under the debit and credit card system are not ordinarily borne by the consumer.  Moreover, those investing in the Bitcoin system expecting their investment to rise would be wise to remember that any investment is speculation.  It is reminiscent to me of Gordon Gecko's reminder in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps:

Back in the 1600s, the Dutch, they got speculation fever to the point that you could buy a beautiful house on a canal in Amsterdam for the price of one bulb. They called it 'Tulip Mania.' Then it collapsed. You could buy 10 bulbs for two dollars. People got wiped out, but who remembers?

But, I seem to recall a whole lot of people recently losing money on Bitcoin.  See, Bitcoin's Mt. Gox Goes Offline.  Perhaps my memory is starting to fade with old age.

- JSM    


Undertaking the steps for dealing with a commercial presentment/offer, i.e. “presentment,” is predicated on the following events having occurred prior to commencing the steps outlined herewith.  These prior events are:
A.     You have “captured your straw man” by filing a UCC-1 Financing Statement with the real, biological being, indicated by name in upper- and lower-case letters, as the Secured Party and your “nom de guerre” or corporate franchise, indicated by all capital letters, filed is the DEBTOR.
B.     You have likewise filed a Security Agreement in the Commercial Registry, either on the original UCC-1 or a subsequent UCC Change Statement (a “UCC-3” in Washington), in which the DEBTOR has indemnified the Secured Party by pledging all of DEBTOR’S property as collateral against any kind of loss or harm that should accrue to the Secured Party as the result of any transmitting utility activities of DEBTOR.  Such loss or harm would occur, for instance, if the DEBTOR, and thereby the Secured Party on whose behalf DEBTOR functions in commerce as a transmitting utility and for which Secured Party signs as the accommodating party, is fined, charged, or imprisoned by some commercial presentment having been issued against the DEBTOR which the system deems to have been dishonored. 
UCC 9-105(l) states: “’Security agreement’ means an agreement which creates or provides for a security interest.”  Black’s 6thstates: “An agreement granting a creditor a security interest in personal property, which security interest is normally perfected either by the creditor taking possession of the collateral or by filing financing statements in the proper public records.”  The Security Agreement you file in the Commercial Registry is a binding, sealed contract between DEBTOR and Secured Partywhich includes, inter alia, an itemization of the property/collateral the DEBTOR has pledged to the Secured Party.  All the property belongs to the DEBTOR but the Secured Party holds all interest in it.  Since the DEBTOR has pledged all of DEBTOR’S property/collateral to the Secured Party, and a binding contract is filed registering and recording that agreement and the Fidelity Bond posted by the DEBTOR to indemnify the Secured Party against loss, no third party is able to state a claim upon which relief can be granted against DEBTOR or any of the property pledged by DEBTOR to Secured Party.   All commercial affairs are the province of and interactions of commercial entities with, the DEBTOR, as per the text in one’s UCC-1 stating: “All proceeds, products, accounts, and fixtures, and the Orders therefrom, are released to DEBTOR.”
C.     You have received an actual presentment/offer, not merely a notice, and still have time to deal with it within ten (10) days of your receipt thereof.  A presentment is a demand for payment or acceptance, involving some kind of necessity to engage in specific performance desired by the party issuing the presentment, hereinafter the “Offeror.”  The specific performance occurs when you fail to deal with the presentment properly—a dishonor—and the Offeror does a Banker’s Acceptance of your dishonor of the presentment.  If you simply pay he wins automatically; if you fight or do nothing, you traverse or dishonor and are locked in to the commercial jurisdiction in which they always win unless you have “captured your straw man” and properly dealt with their presentments.  All arrests and incarcerations today consist of seizing the collateral/surety (the real you) to pay the debt against the DEBTOR based upon their having done a Banker’s Acceptance of your commercial dishonor and executed a Bill of Exchange with themselves as Creditor and your straw man as DEBTOR.
Since any bill, presentment/offer, you receive from the system is a commercial instrument, whether it is a traffic citation, tax bill, or summons to court, the procedure for dealing with it is the same.  With the exception of an alternate way to approach a traffic ticket within the first few days of receiving it (which will be discussed separately), the steps herewith should obtain in all cases.
For a document that is not a presentment, such as a notice, receipt, license, birth certificate, or Social Security Card, etc., you should accept it for value, and thereby be the holder in due course thereof and of all matters connected therewith and derived therefrom.  For that (unless it is for the Treasury, concerning which you always use the large Treasury stamp regardless of what the document is), stamp a copy of your document with the following text:

All related endorsements, front and back, in

accordance with Uniform Commercial Code

3-419  and House Joint Resolution 192

of June 5, 1933.

You may affix your signature and the date underneath the text (in blue ink, of course), if you wish.
D.     You have sent your Actual and Constructive Notice and non-negotiable Bill of Exchange to Lawrence H. Summers, Secretary of the Treasury, Department of the Treasury, to charge back the debt against your Birth Certificate from the public (debt/liability) side to your private (credit/asset) side from which all the “money” in circulation is borrowed to pay on the interest on the “national debt” and reorganization in bankruptcy.
Staple the entire set of documents you send to Summers together in a single unit consisting of the following items:
ACN, Bill of Exchange, attachments stamped with the large Treasury “accepted for value” stamp, an IRS 1040-ES with the amount left blank, filling in your all capital-letter DEBTOR straw man, Social Security #, and statutory address.  Affix a sticky note (Post-it) to the 1040-ES on which you have written: “Please complete this form for me (pre-paid account).”  The IRS calls a Bill of Exchange a “UCC Contract,” and accepts them as valid.  Any Bill of Exchange you send into the Treasury is shipped to an IRS office in your state awaiting being matched with a 1040-ES, at which point the IRS deducts the amount it wants in taxes from the amount of the Bill of Exchange.  By stapling the 1040-ES on the Bill of Exchange you short-circuit the time and trouble for one to catch up with the other through the bureaucracy and mailings involved.
All of the mailings you do should be sent with proof of service (or even affidavit of service) mailed by a third party, by Certified or Registered Mail.  Each of the steps should be done within time frames as herein-below indicated, usually approximately ten (10) days apart.
Preliminary documents needed include:
      Affidavit of Service, “Proof of Service.”
      Security Agreement.
      Actual and Constructive Notice to Lawrence H. Summers, Secretary of the Treasury.
      Non-Negotiable Bill of Exchange to Summers, one with value indicated, one without designated amount for Summers to fill in.
1.         Make several copies of your presentment.  Place the original, pristine (un-stapled and not written upon), in a safe place.  Never part with your original for any reason to anyone.  Make copies and deal with them.  Stamp as many as are necessary (depending upon how many people they must be sent to) with the following text:
This presentment is accepted for value, with all related endorsements front and back, in accordance with Uniform Commercial Code 3-419 and House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933; pre-paid; exempt from levy.
_____________________________________          ____________________
                        [Name]                                                [Date]
Sign your name and date the stamp using blue ink.  Send back to the Offeror(s) (the persons who sent you the presentment) with an Actual and Constructive Notice, “ACN-1,” informing the Offeror(s) that you have accepted the presentment for value, “Banker’s Acceptance,” and that each Offeror has 72 hours per the Federal Truth In Lending Act, to withdraw the offer or his failure to notice you within the prescribed time constitutes a dishonor establishing you as undisputed Creditor and holder in due course of the presentment and all matters attached thereto and derived therefrom.  Send by Certified or Registered Mail with 3rd party proof of service.  Ideally one should use an Affidavit of Service that is signed and notarially acknowledged by a non-party to the action and mailed by him with your entire package.  Each recipient receives an original Affidavit of Service with the package.
2.         Wait ten (10) days after sending off the first mailing to see if you receive from the Offeror a notice that the presentment/offer has been withdrawn (cancelled).  If you receive such a notice it means that the matter is ended as if it had never occurred.  What is most likely, however (until the system catches up with what is happening with this process), is that you will hear nothing from them.  In such case, on the 10th day send out the following items to the appropriate parties by the specified means:
a.       Send a Bill of Exchange to Summers, executed for the amount you have placed on your Banker’s Acceptance of the Offeror’s dishonor and your status as Creditor and holder in due course.  Some respected thinkers concerning this process advocate printing your Bill of Exchange on banker’s paper, certificate stock, since it is the commercial paper.  The argument against doing this is that it looks too much like a security, which might arouse their ire, and regular 8½” X 11” white paper works quite well.  It is also much easier to execute than doing a certificate on bank paper.  In any case, send the Bill of Exchange to Summers with an ACN and copy of the presentment on which you have affixed the large Treasury stamp, signed and dated in blue ink.  The set of documents you send to Summers consist of:
      ACN-2 of instructions to Summers, which includes specifying the amount as to how much you are billing the Offeror.  Because of the bonds and insurance issued on presentments, it is recommended that one set a value of 100X the face amount of the presentment.  If, for instance, the amount of the traffic ticket fine is $300, make your Bill of Exchange for $30,000.  Since you are the Creditor and the Offeror is reduced to your Debtor devoid of defenses, you are authorized to affix the value of the Offeror’s debt obligation owed to you.
      Bill of Exchange for the above amount, executed on Banker’s Paper or Stock Certificate (this is the commercial paper). 
      Copy of the presentment with the large Treasury “accepted for value” stamp, signed and dated by you in blue ink.  The text of the Treasury stamp is:
Charge Back
Lawrence H. Summers or Office Holder
Secretary of the Treasury
_________________________________  accepts  for  value all
related  endorsements,  front  and  back, in accordance with Uniform
 Commercial Code 3-419 and House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933.
Charge Treasury Direct Account Employer Identification # __________ for the
registration  fees  and  command  the memory  of  account # __________ to charge
the same the Debtor’s Order  or  the  Order  of  Lawrence  H. Summers or Office Holder.

     Employer Identification # ____________

     Pre-Paid   -  Preferred Stock

     Priority  -  Exempt from Levy

      Posted: Certified Account # ______________
      Invoice # _______________________________
b.      Send a thank-you letter to Offeror which includes the following items:
      ACN-3 to the Offeror thanking him for his business, informing him that:
-He has passed the time to withdraw his offer;
-You are the holder in due course of the presentment/offer;
-You are established as the Creditor who has performed a Banker’s Acceptance on his note whereby he is Debtor in the amount of the Bill of Exchange you have sent to Summers;
-He must adjust your account.
      Copy of everything you sent to Summers, with everything clearly stamped “COPY.”
      Accounting letter informing the Offeror how to adjust the account.
c.       File a UCC-3 Change Statement, checked “amendment” and “partial release” in the action line, adding the presentment, stamped accepted for value, to your commercial affairs and putting Bill of Exchange on your UCC and (in the same filing) released from your filing.  Cite the accounting, which should look like:
Entered on account:                                          [Amount of Bill of Exchange]
Partial release:                                      [Amount of Bill of Exchange]
Balance on Account:                 $0.00
3.         Ten (10) days after the above three (3) mailings, if you have received no notice from the Offeror that he has adjusted your account, send the first notice of his requirement to do so, ACN-4.  Include a W-9 and let him know that if he does not adjust the account you require him to return the W-9 to you with his fiduciary tax report or individual tax return (1040).  Also inform him that he is retaining the funds, refusing to clear the commercial account, and may thereby be liable for the taxes on his unauthorized retention of the funds since the account has been adjusted in the Treasury, discharged, and your account is pre-paid.

4.         Ten (10) days after sending the above first notice, send the Offeror a second notice.  This notice is similar to the first notice, but warn him that if he does not provide the W-9 and fiduciary tax report or 1040 you will send an IRS Form 8300, suspicious transaction, to the IRS and an SEC Suspicious Activity Report, which is sent to FinCEN in Detroit.  This automatically goes to six (6) different agencies (of the Federal Reserve): FRB, FDIC, OCC, OTS, NCUA, and TREASURY.



Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Short Explanation as is Understood at this Time
(Subject to further clarification)

Around the time of the war between the United Statesand the southern states of the American union, the United States was busy putting together a plan that would increase the jurisdiction of the United States. This plan was necessary because the United States had no subjects and only the land ceded to it from the states, ie. the District which was only ten miles square and such land as was necessary for forts, magazines, arsenals, etc. 

Between the 1860’s and the early 1900’s, banking and taxing mechanisms were changing through legislation. Cunning people closely associated with the powers in Englandhad great influence on the legislation being passed in the United States. Of course such legislation did not apply to the states or to the people in the states, but making the distinction was not deemed to be a necessary duty of the legislators. It was the responsibility of the people to understand their relationship to the United Statesand to the laws that were being passed by the legislature. This distinction between the United Statesand the states was taught in the homes and the schools and churches. The early admiralty courts did not interpret legislation as broadly at that time because the people knew when the courts were overstepping their jurisdiction. The people were in control because they knew who they were and where they were standing in relation to the United States.

In 1913 the United Statesadded numerous private laws to its books that facilitated the increase of subjects and property for the United States. The 14th Amendment provided for a new class of citizens – United States citizens, that had not formerly been recognized. Until the 14th Amendment in 1868, there were no persons born or naturalized in the United States. They had all been born or naturalized in one of the several states. United States citizenship was a result of state citizenship. After the Civil War, a new class was recognized, and was the beginning of the democracy sited in the District of Columbia. The American people in the republic sited in the several states, could choose to benefit as one of these new United Statescitizens BY CHOICE. The new class of citizens was given the right to vote in the democracy in 1870 by the 15th Amendment. All it required was an application. Benefits came with this new citizenship, but with the benefits, came duties and responsibilities that were totally regulated by the legislature for the District of Columbia. Edward Mandell House is attributed with giving a very detailed outline of the plans to be implemented to enslave the American people. (1) The 13th Amendment in 1865 opened the way for the people to volunteer into slavery to accept the benefits offered by the United States. Whether House actually spoke the words or not , is really irrelevant because the scenario detailed in the statement attributed to him has clearly been implemented. Central banking for the United Stateswas legislated with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The ability to decrease the currency in circulation through taxation was legislated with the 16th Amendment in 1913. Support for the presumption that the American people had volunteered to participate in the United States democracy was legislated with the 17th Amendment in 1913. The path was provided for the control of the courts, with the creation of the American Bar Association in 1913.

In 1917 the United Stateslegislature passed the Trading with the Enemy Act and the Emergency War Powers Act, opening the doors for the United States to suspend limitations otherwise mandated in the Constitution. Even in times of peace, every contrived and created social, political, or financial emergency was sufficient authority for the officers of the United States to overstep its peace time powers and implement volumes of “law” that would increase the coffers of the United States. There is always a declared emergency in the United States and its States, but it only applies to their subjects.

In the 1920’s the States accelerated the push for mothers to register their babies. Life was good and people were not paying attention to what was happening in government. The stock market crashed, and those who were not on the inside were not warned to take their money out before they lost everything.

In the 1930’s federal legislation provided for registration of babies through applications for birth certificates, so government workers could get maternity leave with pay. The States pushed for registration of cars through applications for certificates of title, and for registration of land through registration of deeds of trust. Constructive trusts secretly were created as each of the people blindly walked into the United States democracy, thereby agreeing to be sureties for the debts of the United States. The great depression supplied the diversion to keep the people’s attention off what government was doing. The Social Security program was implemented, along with numerous other United Statesprograms that invited the American people to volunteer to be the sureties behind the United States’ new registered property and adhesion contracts through the new United Statessubjects.

The plan was well on its path by 1933. Massive registration of property through United Statesagencies, including the State of _______ subdivisions, was assuring the United Statesand its officers would get rich beyond their wildest expectations, as predicted by Mendall House. All of this was done without disclosure of the material facts that accompanied each application for registration – fraud. The fraud was a sufficient reason to charge all the United States officers with treason, UNLESS a remedy could be supplied for the people to recoup their property and collect for the damages they suffered as a result of the fraud.

If a remedy were available, and the people chose not to or failed to use their remedy, no charge of fraud could be sustained even in a common law court. The United Statesonly needed to provide the remedy. It was not required to explain it or even tell the people where the remedy could be found. The attorneys did not even have to be taught about the remedy. That gave them plausible deniability when the people struggled to understand the new laws. The legislators did not have to have the intricate details of the law explained to them regarding the bills they were passing. That gave them plausible deniability. If the people failed to use their remedy, the United States came out the winner every time. If the people did discover their remedy, the United States had to honor it and release the registered property back to the people, but only if the people knew they had a remedy, and only if they requested it in the proper manner. It was a great plan.

With plausible deniability, even when the people knew they had a remedy and pursued it, the attorneys, judges, and legislators could act like they did not understand the people’s claims. Requiring the public schools to teach civics, government, and history classes out of approved politically correct text books also assured the people would not find the remedy for a long time. Passing new State and Federal laws that appeared to subject the people to rules and regulations, added another level of protection against the people finding their remedy. The public media was molded to report politically correct, though substantially incorrect, news day after day, until few people would even think there could be a remedy available to them. The people could be separated from their money and their time to pursue the remedy long enough for the solutions to be lost in the pages of millions of books in huge law libraries across the country. So many people know there is something wrong with all the conflicts in the laws with the “facts” taught in the schools. How can the American people be free and subject to a sovereign governments whims at the same time? Who would ever have thought the people would be resourceful enough to actually find the remedy? BUT they did!

In 1933 the United States put its insurance policy into place with House Joint Resolution 192 (2) and recorded it in the Congressional Record. It was not required to be promulgated in the Federal Register. An Executive Order issued on April 5, 1933 paving the way for the withdrawal of gold in the United States. Representative Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges on May 23, 1933 against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Secretary of the United States Treasury (Congressional Record May 23, 1933 page 4055-4058). HJR 192 passed on June 3, 1933. Mr. MaFadden claimed on June 10, 1933: “Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks…” HJR 192 is the insurance policy that protects the legislators from conviction for fraud and treason against the American people. It also protects the American people from damages caused by the actions of the United States.

HJR 192 provided that the one with the gold paid the bills. It removed the requirement that the United States subjects and employees had to pay their debts with gold. It actually prohibited the inclusion of a clause in all subsequent contracts that would require payment in gold. It also cancelled the clause in every contract written prior to June 5, 1933, that required an obligation to be paid in gold – retroactively. It provided that the United States subjects and employees could use any type of coin and currency to discharge a public debt as long as it was in use in the normal course of business in the United States. For a time, United States Notes were the currency used to discharge debts, but later the Federal Reserve and the United States provided a new medium of exchange through paper notes, and debt instruments that could be passed on to a debtor’s creditors to discharge the debtor’s debts. That same currency is available to us to use to discharge public debts.

In the 1950’s the Uniform Commercial Code was presented to the States as a means of unifying the generally accepted procedures for handling the new legal system of dealing with commercial fictions as though they were real. Security instruments replaced substance as collateral for debts. Security instruments could be supported by presumptive contracts. Debt instruments with collateral, and accommodating parties, could be used instead of money. Money and the need for money was disappearing, and a uniform system of laws had to be put in place to allow the courts to uphold the security instruments that depended on commercial fictions as a basis for compelling payment or performance. All this was accomplished by the mid 1960’s.

The commercial code is merely a codification of accepted and required procedures all people engaged in commercial activities must follow. The basic principles of commerce had been settled thousands of years ago, but were refined as commerce become more sophisticated over the years. In the 1900’s the age-old principles of commerce shifted from substance to form. Presumption became a big part of the law. Without giving a degree of force to presumption, the new direction in enforcing commercial claims could not be supported in courts. If the claimants were required to produce their claims every time they tried to collect money or time from the people, they would seldom be successful. The principles expressed in the code combine the means of dealing with substantive commercial activities with the means of dealing with presumptive commercial activities. These principles work as well for the people as they do for the deceivers. The rules do not respect persons.

Those who enticed the people to register their things with the United States and its sub-divisions, gained control of the substance through the registrations. The United States became the Holder of the titles to many things. The definition of “property” is the interest one has in a thing. The thing is the principal. The property is the interest in the thing. Profits (interest) made from the property of another, belong to the owner of the thing. Profits were made by the deceivers by pledging the registered property in commercial markets, but the profits do not belong to the deceivers. The profits belong to the owners of the things. That is always the people. The corporation only shows ownership of paper – titles to things. The substance cannot appear in the fiction. [[Watch the movie Last Action Hero and watch the confusion created when they try to mix substance and fiction.]] Sometimes the fiction is made to look very much like substance, but fiction can never become substance. It is an impossibility.

The profits from all the registered things had to be put into trust (constructive) for the benefit of the owners. If the profits were put into the general fund of the United States and not into separate trusts for the owners, the scheme would represent fraud. The profits for each owner could not be commingled. If the owner failed to use his available remedy (fictional credits held in a constructive trust account, fund, or financial ledger) to benefit from the profits, it would not be the fault of the deceivers. If the owner failed to learn the law that would open the door to his remedy, it would not be the fault of the deceivers. The owner is responsible for learning the law, so he understands that the profits from his things are available for him to discharge debts or charges brought against his public person by the United States.

If the United States has the “gold”, the United States pays the bills (from the trust account, fund, or financial ledger). The definition of “fund” is money set aside to pay a debt. The fund is there to discharge the public debts attributed to the United States subjects, but ultimately back to the accommodating parties – the American people. The national debt that is owed is to the owners of the registered things – the American people, as well as to other creditors.

If the United States owes a debt to the owner of the thing, and the owner is presumed (by accommodation) to owe a public debt to the United States, the logical thing is to ask the United States to discharge that public debt from the trust fund. The way for the United States to get around having to pay the public debts for the people is to claim the owner cannot be an owner if he agreed to be the accommodating party for a debtor person. If the people are truly the principle, then they know how to handle their financial and political affairs, ULNESS they have never been taught. If the owner admits by his actions out of ignorance, that he is an accommodating party, he has taken on the debtor’s liabilities without getting consideration in exchange. Here lies the fiction again. The owner of the thing does not have to knowingly agree to be the accommodating party for the debtor person; he just has to act like he agreed. That is easy if he has a choice of going to jail or signing for the debtor person. The presumption that he is the accommodating party is strong enough for the courts to hold the owner of the thing liable for a tax on the thing he actually owns.

Debtors may have the use of certain things, but the things belong to the creditors. The creditor is the master. The debtor is the servant. The Uniform Commercial Code is very specific about the duties and responsibilities a debtor has. If the owner of the thing is presumed to be a debtor because of his previous admissions and adhesion contracts, he is going to have a difficult time convincing the United States that it has a duty to discharge public debts for him. In addition, the courts are staffed with loyal judges who will look for every mistake the people make when trying to use their remedy.

There is a very powerful tool the people can use to help them get to the real issues when they find themselves up against the power of presumption. The law provides for either party of an admiralty court action to OBJECT to a line of questioning. When you object in that court setting, you must tell the judge why you object, or he will overrule your objection. The reason is:

“This line of questioning assumes facts not in evidence.”

You can request that evidence of the Plaintiff’s claim be entered as evidence. If the judge overrules this fundamental, basic, underlying, necessary principle of establishing jurisdiction and right to make a charge, there is a major procedural error in the proceeding. Granting impersonam jurisdiction to get to the bottom of the issue is vastly better than arguing, “I’m not that person.”

The owner of the thing, after learning the law and discovering who he is in relation to the United States, can file a UCC Financing Statement and Security Agreement registering his interest in the artificial entity (PERSON) the United States created after Mom applied for a birth certificate. That was the act of registering her biological property, her baby (substance), with the State of _______. The United States holds the paper title (form), not the substance (baby). Until your Financing Statement is filed, the United States is the holder of the title to the artificial entity. Its name is spelled in all capital letter – JOHN HENRY DOE. When John Henry Doe files the Financing Statement supported by a Security Agreement signed by the artificial entity (JOHN) and the owner (John), he becomes the holder in due course of the title to JOHN. The UCC and the State commercial law are very specific about the effect of a registered security interest. It has priority over most other interest claimed (only claimed) in the same thing. The evidence that is missing in the court, is the registered claim over the person (JOHN).

The owner also must notify the Secretary of the Treasury that he is going to handle his own affairs in the future. He can file a Bill of Exchange with the Secretary through which he exchanges his person’s accepted-for-value birth certificate and social security numbers, for a chargeback of all the presumed charges brought against his person since the birth certificate was issued.

The owner can also reserve a noncash Federal Reserve routing number and any number of noncash instrument numbers by filing an amendment to his Financing Statement or just including his reservation on his original Financing Statement. Each bank account opened in the name of the owner’s person has a routing number. If an account is open, it is available to process cash items. If you write a check to the plumber, it can be converted to cash at your bank. You cannot write a check on an account that has been closed. Those accounts and their routing numbers are reserved for noncash items for the person (JOHN) that opened the account originally. Accounts that have been closed by the bank instead of the person, should not be used for noncash items. Once this is done, you are in a position to begin receiving reimbursements against the obligation the United States owes to you for money and time it has received that belong to you.

The owner of registered things, who has learned the law and what his rights are, and has filed his Financing Statement, Security Agreement, and Bill of Exchange, and reserved his noncash account routing numbers, can issue an instrument indicating his UCC registration number, his registered Federal Reserve routing number, the name of the public party making a charge against his person, and the amount of the debt to be discharge.

Think of the whole transaction in relation to a dead battery. The batter represents your public person (JOHN), which is a dead entity that can function within the public maize of fiction, transmitting benefits from the public to you in the private IF it is charged up. You cannot go into the public because you are not a fiction. JOHN has no power until it is charged with some energy. That energy comes from an IRS default notice, court judgment, credit card bill, utility bill, traffic ticket, or some other instrument that has a $ amount and JOHN’s name on it as the presumed debtor. The bill is the energy. It charges the dead JOHN. You can now discharge JOHN and put JOHN’s accrual account with the charging party back to a zero balance. You as the secured party over the assets put up as security by JOHN to you as collateral for the debt JOHN owes you, can discharge JOHN with a negotiable instrument for the same $ amount as the charging instrument. The charging party that receives your noncash item can 1) process it through a United States department, 2) give it to a third party, 3) keep it to increase its liquidity.

When you, as the owner of a thing, registered it with the United States or one of its subdivisions, you let the United States hold the legal title to your thing based on misrepresentation and failure to disclose material facts to you at the time of registration. You probably retained possession of the thing. The United States invested the title and made a profit. If you did not specifically authorize the United States and its agents to invest the legal title, the profits made from that title belong to you, because as the owner, you remain the equitable title holder. Legally all the profits from the investment of the titles to all your registered things must go into a fund for your benefit. If they did not put the profits in a trust fund of some sort, it would be fraud.

Just acquiring the titles through what is promoted as mandatory registration, is fraud. If the scenario attributed to Mandell House is now in full application in the United States, which it is, the officers of the United States could be charged and convicted with treason IF they had not provided a remedy, which they did. -- House Joint Resolution 192 on June 5, 1933. This is their insurance policy to assure they are not convicted of treason. That does not mean they cannot be charged with treason, but the courts will dismiss based on failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Because you have a remedy outside the court, you cannot sustain a charge of treason.

The problem in the past with trying to discharge public debts with instruments that could not be processed through your bank on the corner, was that those discharge instruments did not route through the Federal Reserve. It is the bean counter for the national debt. That debt is first and primarily owed to the people who are the equitable titleholders of all the substance in this country. If you try to discharge a public debt with your discharge instrument, and you do not route it through the Federal Reserve, it appears you are receiving a benefit from the United States without exchanging it for something of value. This is not technically correct because you have a right to be reimbursed, whether or not you apply it toward the debt the United States owes you. You are the substance; it is the fiction.

If you do route your discharge instrument through the Federal Reserve, where the national debt owed to you can be reduced by the amount of the instrument, you have made an exchange that fits nicely into their accrual bookkeeping system. Your PERSON’s charge from the charging party within the United States commercial scheme is discharged, and the debt the United States owes to you is discharged by the same amount. That is a quid pro quo, and everyone is happy, EXCEPT those who are not interested in the money but just want to be in control from behind the scenes.

To accomplish this quid pro quo exchange:

1. your claim to being one of the people must appear on a public register (the Secretary of State),

2. you must have an account with the banker for the United States (the Secretary of the Treasury),

3. you must have given notice of your reservation of routing numbers through the national debt accountant (the Federal Reserve),

4. you must refer to the insurance policy that covers your remedy (House Joint Resolution 192),

5. you must make your instrument negotiable so it can be used by the United States for a profit,

6. you must transmit your instrument back into the public through an agent (your registered debtor),

7. you must only use a noncash item for this exchange,

8. you must do a banker’s acceptance of a charging instrument to attach to your noncash item, and

9. you must understand that you are not getting something for nothing

Reserving your routing numbers to use on your discharge instruments is not as difficult as was thought during the previous decade. Every person has opened bank accounts in the past that have been closed for one reason for another. On the bottom of the checks for those closed bank accounts is a routing number to the particular bank and a routing number to the particular account. Each check has a check number. When you put the check number together with the two routing numbers, you have a means of tracking each item that goes through the worldwide banking system. The routing numbers on the bottom of the checks from accounts your person has closed will never be reassigned. They are attached to your person’s NAME forever and kept in the records of the Federal Reserve.

Bank accounts that are still open and active are used for cash items. Checks written on these open bank accounts can be taken to the particular bank and CASHED. This is the type of instrument used in commercial transactions everyday. There is a fund attached to the check from which the debt evidenced by the check can be paid.

Bank accounts that are no longer open and active cannot be used to process cash items. They can only be used to process noncash items. They require special handling. Title 12 of USC and CFR explain how and when receiving banks are to process noncash items. A closed bank account associated with your debtor’s NAME, has routing numbers that can route your discharge instrument through the Federal Reserve to reduce the national debt to you and increase the balance of the bank account of the party that is charging your debtor. It is a WIN WIN situation.

The charging party is instructed to mail the discharge instrument to the Secretary of Transportation. Title 46 has sufficient evidence to support the proposition that the Secretary is the trustee over some or all vessels mortgaged by the United States. If your debtor PERSON is presumed to be a vessel, it is regulated by the Secretary of Transportation through the Maritime Ministries Administration, that is the proper party to assist in processing your noncash item. The Secretary of Transportation can forward the item to the Secretary of the Treasury, who already has been notified to prepare for noncash activity in your treasury direct account on the Bill of Exchange. The Secretary of the Treasury is directly related to the Federal Reserve. Between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, your noncash item can be directed to the proper parties to settle the account and get everyone into that quid pro quo position we want.

The United States and its co-business partners are debtors to you. You are the creditor, not only over your debtor PERSON, but also over the United States, the legal titleholder over the registered things to which you are the equitable titleholder. You are the primary creditor, so if the United States has other creditors, like the international bankers, they cannot jump to the front of the line. Their claims are subordinated to your claims if your claims are registered and if you understand the law surrounding what you are doing.


The Credit River Money Opinion

Read both the internal and attached. I believe Mahoney is the one who ended up dead shortly after his decision. Jim

Scotsman wrote: The Credit River Decision - Jerome Daly's Letters

From: John Prukop

To Whom it may concern: Posted below here are two letters giving a brief synopsis by Minnesota Attorney Jerome Daly, concerning his "Credit River Decision" from December 7, 1968. I have a complete transcript of this case, including the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, as well as Jerome Daly's scathing letter to the members of the Bar, to whom Jerome refers to as "The Boys in the Back Room." The letter is addressed to Patrick Foley, U.S. Attorney for Minnesota on December 27, 1968, and follows below here, in addition to Jerome's "Introduction" letter. Further below my e-mail signature line is a letter from Bill Drexler, who was an associate Justice in the Jerome Daly case in Minnesota, which you should find VERY interesting. I had a chance to meet and confer with Jerome Daly in 1991, when he assisted me with an unlawful foreclosure on my home in Puyallup. That case is not over yet.

At that time he was living out in California. He drafted some of the legal documents on my behalf. The brief he prepared in support of my position will knock your socks off. One of these days I'll post it with attachments, because it does take a "picture" to explain the fraud. If any of you still have Federal Reserve Notes, circa 1920's through the 1960's, you know what I'm talking about. And if you research and read Public Law 90-269 of March 18, 1968 followed by the Legislative History of Public Law 94-564, and the contents of Public Law 95-147 on October 28, 1977, you will begin to understand the FRAUD that has been perpetrated by the Congress of the United States upon the People of this Nation. Public Officials need to be held STRICTLY accountable to their Oath of Office and the Law of the Land. In my case, a certain Court Commissioner and a Superior Court Judge are yet to be prosecuted for their fraudulent perpetrations. Sometimes the wheels of "Justice" move slowly - but they will ONLY move when forced to do so by the Citizenry -- "We the People" -- who hold ALL the power over our ordained and established Constitution, Bill of Rights, and proper Organs of Government through Delegated Powers and Authority to Act on OUR behalf.

Perhaps after reading this you'll begin to understand why those who are enlightened to the fraud try to deal in Coin, as it is the ONLY medium of exchange specifically authorized under the Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 & 6, and Article I, Section 10, as well as the Coinage Act of 1792, neither of which has ever been repealed, notwithstanding the fraudulent assertions otherwise by the totally compromised and corrupted Congress and Legislatures. As the Maxim of Law states, "Fraud and Justice never dwell together." And it should be remarked here that thanks to Congressman Philip M. Crane, you NOW have Gold and Silver Coin pursuant to Public Law 99-61 (July 9, 1985) and Public Law 99-185 (December 17, 1985). These two Public Laws made it possible for the minting and distribution of American Gold Eagles and Silver Eagles, available at your local Coin shop. Everyone should have some real "money" in their possession; but you need to know that your PAPER Federal Reserve Note with $1 printed on it won't buy a One Dollar Silver Eagle -- you'll have to give about $8.00 to $9.00 FRN's for the REAL "Dollar". Read Public Law 90-269 and you'll understand why. The paper FRN and the Silver dollar should be at "parity". By the way, "FRAUD" stands not only for the crime, but "Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Device".

Mr. Daly passed away a couple of years ago . . . but his Credit River Decision lives on, even though the members of the Bar have sought to suppress this case from public view. It is probably fitting to insert here Jerome's "Introduction" letter of February 7, 1969, as well as a copy of the letter to the US Attorney on December 27, 1968, so you have some idea of the gravity of what occurred, and before you read what Bill Drexler, a friend of Jerome, wrote below my signature line. I quote herein the two letters, as follows:

Jerome Daly
Attorney at Law
28 East Minnesota Street
Savage, Minnesota 55378

February 7, 1969


On May 8, 1964 the writer executed a Note and Mortgage to the First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota, which is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Both Banks are private owned and are a part of the Federal Reserve Banking System.
In the Spring of 1967 the writer was in arrears $476.00 in the payments on this Note and Mortgage. The Note was secured by a Mortgage on real property in Spring Lake Township in Scott County, Minnesota. The Bank foreclosed by advertisement and bought the property at a Sheriff's Sale held on June 26, 1967 and did not redeem with the 12 month period of time allotted by law after the Sheriff's Sale.

The Bank brought the Action to recover the possession to the property in the Justice of the Peace Court at Savage, Minnesota. The first 2 Justices were disqualified by Affidavit of Prejudice. The first by the writer and the Second by the Bank. A third one refused to handle the case. It was then sent, pursuant to law, to Martin V. Mahoney, Justice of the Peace, Credit River Township, Scott County, Minnesota, who presided at a Jury trial on December 7, 1968. The Jury found the Note and Mortgage to be void for failure of a lawful consideration and refused to give any validity to the Sheriff's Sale. Verdict was for the writer with costs in the amount of $75.00.

The president of the Bank admitted that the Bank created the money and credit upon its own books by which it acquired or gave as consideration for the Note; that this was standard banking practice, that the credit first came into existence when they created it; that he knew of no United States Statutes which gave them the right to do this. This is the universal practice of these Banks. The Justice who heard the case handed down the opinion attached and included herein. Its reasoning is sound. It will withstand the test of time. This is the first time the question has been passed upon in the United States. I predict that this decision will go into the History Books as one of the great Documents of American History. It is a huge cornerstone wrenched from the temple of Imperialism and planted as one of the solid foundation stones of Liberty.


[From] Jerome Daly
Attorney At Law
28 East Savage Street
Savage, Minnesota 55378
December 27, 1968

[To] Mr. Patrick Foley
United states Attorney for Minnesota
United States Court House Bldg.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Re: First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Jerome Daly


As you are on my mailing list, at your request, attached kindly find 2 copies of a decision rendered at Credit River Twp. Justice of the Peace court on December 9, 1968 by Justice Martin V. Mahoney, who by occupation is not dependent upon the fraudulent Federal Reserve Mob for his sustenance; thus he was able to view the whole fraud, which is Global in scope, with a mind in the settled calmness of impartiality, disinterestedness, and fairness, in keeping with his Oath and with a completely friendly feeling toward the Constitution of the United States of America.

In truth and in fact the Justice of the Peace Court is the highest Court in the land as it is the closest to the People. Every Judge who is dependent upon this fraudulent Federal Reserve, National and State Banking System for his sole support is DISQUALIFIED because of self interest and had no jurisdiction to sit in review of this Judgment. If any Appellate Court, including the Supreme Court of the United States, in review of this Judgment, perpetrates a fraud upon the People by defying the Constitutional Law of the United States, Mahoney has resolved that he will convene another Jury in Credit River Township to try the issue of the Fraud on the part of any State or Federal Judge, and in an action on my part to recover the possession if the Jury decides in my favor, the Constable and the Citizens Militia of Credit River Township will, pursuant to the Law, deliver me back into possession. So you see, this Justice of the Peace can keep the peace in Scott County, Minnesota, not with the help of these State and Federal Judges who have fled reality, but in spite of them. This Thomas Jefferson's prophesy with reference to Chattel Slavery once again rings true; "God's Justice will not sleep forever.". (emphasis added - now you may understand one of the lawful purposes of the Militia!)

One wonders sometimes what the United States, and its leaders, including the Shylock usury element, did to bring on a Peal Harbor Attack on December 7, 1941, with such suddenness and devastation. It could be the Judgment of a Just God giving vent to a stored wrath in retaliation to the money changers. It is ironic in deed that the Jury should return its verdict on the same day 27 years later and the National and International Banking and Oil Mob shudder in their back rooms where they have cornered the money of the World and where they sit pulling the strings; fostering, conniving and perpetrating War with profit to themselves paid for by the blood, sweat, tears and toil of the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer and the humbler members of society; and well they might tremble, for, as they listen they can hear, with every increasing distinctness, the sound of the waves at low tide as they wash across the lonely decks of the U.S.S. Arizona with over 2,500 men entombed in her hold, with oil still seeping therefrom to the surface.

It is better to be charitable than miserly, honest than dishonest, direct than indirect, upright than underhanded, intelligent than unintelligent, to have courage than be a coward, to be free than slave, in body and in mind.

I remain, Quite Independently Yours,

/s/ Jerome Daly

P.S. Give my best wishes for a New Year to the Boys in the Back Room.



/s/ John R. Prukop

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance does whatever is dictated to it."

Thomas Paine, Rights of Man ("Conclusion")

“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."  Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

CCW Coalition: Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
John R. Prukop, Executive Director
11910-C Meridian Ave. E., #142
Puyallup, Washington 98373
TEL: (253) 840-8071
FAX: (253) 840-8074


This e-mail communication is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited, unless otherwise authorized herein. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

WARNING: Because e-mail can be altered electronically, the integrity of this communication cannot be guaranteed.


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I believe Mahoney is the one who ended up dead shortly after his decision. Jim Scotsman wrote: The Credit River Decision - Jerome Daly's Letters From: John Prukop o Whom it may concern: Posted below here are two letters giving a brief synopsis by Minnesota Attorney Jerome Daly, concerning his "Credit River Decision" from December 7, 1968. I have a complete transcript of this case, including the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, as well as Jerome Daly's scathing letter to the members of the Bar, to whom Jerome refers to as "The Boys in the Back Room." The letter is addressed to Patrick Foley, U.S. Attorney for Minnesota on December 27, 1968, and follows below here, in addition to Jerome's "Introduction" letter. Further below my e-mail signature line is a letter from Bill Drexler, who was an associate Justice in the Jerome Daly case in Minnesota, which you should find VERY interesting. I had a chance to meet and confer with Jerome Daly in 1991, when he assisted me with an unlawful foreclosure on my home in Puyallup. That case is not over yet. At that time he was living out in California. He drafted some of the legal documents on my behalf. The brief he prepared in support of my position will knock your socks off. One of these days I'll post it with attachments, because it does take a "picture" to explain the fraud. If any of you still have Federal Reserve Notes, circa 1920's through the 1960's, you know what I'm talking about. And if you research and read Public Law 90-269 of March 18, 1968 followed by the Legislative History of Public Law 94-564, and the contents of Public Law 95-147 on October 28, 1977, you will begin to understand the FRAUD that has been perpetrated by the Congress of the United States upon the People of this Nation. Public Officials need to be held STRICTLY accountable to their Oath of Office and the Law of the Land. In my case, a certain Court Commissioner and a Superior Court Judge are yet to be prosecuted for their fraudulent perpetrations. Sometimes the wheels of "Justice" move slowly - but they will ONLY move when forced to do so by the Citizenry -- "We the People" -- who hold ALL the power over our ordained and established Constitution, Bill of Rights, and proper Organs of Government through Delegated Powers and Authority to Act on OUR behalf. Perhaps after reading this you'll begin to understand why those who are enlightened to the fraud try to deal in Coin, as it is the ONLY medium of exchange specifically authorized under the Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 & 6, and Article I, Section 10, as well as the Coinage Act of 1792, neither of which has ever been repealed, notwithstanding the fraudulent assertions otherwise by the totally compromised and corrupted Congress and Legislatures. As the Maxim of Law states, "Fraud and Justice never dwell together." And it should be remarked here that thanks to Congressman Philip M. Crane, you NOW have Gold and Silver Coin pursuant to Public Law 99-61 (July 9, 1985) and Public Law 99-185 (December 17, 1985). These two Public Laws made it possible for the minting and distribution of American Gold Eagles and Silver Eagles, available at your local Coin shop. Everyone should have some real "money" in their possession; but you need to know that your PAPER Federal Reserve Note with $1 printed on it won't buy a One Dollar Silver Eagle -- you'll have to give about $8.00 to $9.00 FRN's for the REAL "Dollar". Read Public Law 90-269 and you'll understand why. The paper FRN and the Silver dollar should be at "parity". By the way, "FRAUD" stands not only for the crime, but "Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Device". Mr. Daly passed away a couple of years ago . . . but his Credit River Decision lives on, even though the members of the Bar have sought to suppress this case from public view. It is probably fitting to insert here Jerome's "Introduction" letter of February 7, 1969, as well as a copy of the letter to the US Attorney on December 27, 1968, so you have some idea of the gravity of what occurred, and before you read what Bill Drexler, a friend of Jerome, wrote below my signature line. I quote herein the two letters, as follows:
                                                                                                            Jerome Daly
                                                                                                            Attorney at Law
                                                                                                            28 East Minnesota Street
                                                                                                            Savage, Minnesota 55378
February 7, 1969 INTRODUCTION On May 8, 1964 the writer executed a Note and Mortgage to the First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota, which is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Both Banks are private owned and are a part of the Federal Reserve Banking System.  In the Spring of 1967 the writer was in arrears $476.00 in the payments on this Note and Mortgage. The Note was secured by a Mortgage on real property in Spring Lake Township in Scott County, Minnesota. The Bank foreclosed by advertisement and bought the property at a Sheriff's Sale held on June 26, 1967 and did not redeem with the 12 month period of time allotted by law after the Sheriff's Sale. The Bank brought the Action to recover the possession to the property in the Justice of the Peace Court at Savage, Minnesota. The first 2 Justices were disqualified by Affidavit of Prejudice. The first by the writer and the Second by the Bank. A third one refused to handle the case. It was then sent, pursuant to law, to Martin V. Mahoney, Justice of the Peace, Credit River Township, Scott County, Minnesota, who presided at a Jury trial on December 7, 1968. The Jury found the Note and Mortgage to be void for failure of a lawful consideration and refused to give any validity to the Sheriff's Sale. Verdict was for the writer with costs in the amount of $75.00.  The president of the Bank admitted that the Bank created the money and credit upon its own books by which it acquired or gave as consideration for the Note; that this was standard banking practice, that the credit first came into existence when they created it; that he knew of no United States Statutes which gave them the right to do this. This is the universal practice of these Banks. The Justice who heard the case handed down the opinion attached and included herein. Its reasoning is sound. It will withstand the test of time. This is the first time the question has been passed upon in the United States. I predict that this decision will go into the History Books as one of the great Documents of American History. It is a huge cornerstone wrenched from the temple of Imperialism and planted as one of the solid foundation stones of Liberty.
                                                                                    /s/ JEROME DALY
                                                                                    SAVAGE, MINNESOTA
[From] Jerome Daly
Attorney At Law
28 East Savage Street
Savage, Minnesota 55378
December 27, 1968
[To] Mr. Patrick Foley United states Attorney for Minnesota United States Court House Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota Re: First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Jerome Daly Sir: As you are on my mailing list, at your request, attached kindly fin 2 copies of a decision rendered at Credit River Twp. Justice of the Peace court on December 9, 1968 by Justice Martin V. Mahoney, who by occupation is not dependent upon the fraudulent Federal Reserve Mob for his sustenance; thus he was able to view the whole fraud, which is Global in scope, with a mind in the settled calmness of impartiality, disinterestedness, and fairness, in keeping with his Oath and with a completely friendly feeling toward the Constitution of the United States of America.  In truth and in fact the Justice of the Peace Court is the highest Court in the land as it is the closest to the People. Every Judge who is dependent upon this fraudulent Federal Reserve, National and State Banking System for his sole support is DISQUALIFIED because of self interest and had no jurisdiction to sit in review of this Judgment. If any Appellate Court, including the Supreme Court of the United States, in review of this Judgment, perpetrates a fraud upon the People by defying the Constitutional Law of the United States, Mahoney has resolved that he will convene another Jury in Credit River Township to try the issue of the Fraud on the part of any State or Federal Judge, and in an action on my part to recover the possession if the Jury decides in my favor, the Constable and the Citizens Militia of Credit River Township will, pursuant to the Law, deliver me back into possession. So you see, this Justice of the Peace can keep the peace in Scott County, Minnesota, not with the help of these State and Federal Judges who have fled reality, but in spite of them. This Thomas Jefferson's prophesy with reference to Chattel Slavery once again rings true; "God's Justice will not sleep forever.". (emphasis added - now you may understand one of the lawful purposes of the Militia!) One wonders sometimes what the United States, and its leaders, including the Shylock usury element, did to bring on a Peal Harbor Attack on December 7, 1941, with such suddenness and devastation. It could be the Judgment of a Just God giving vent to a stored wrath in retaliation to the money changers. It is ironic in deed that the Jury should return its verdict on the same day 27 years later and the National and International Banking and Oil Mob shudder in their back rooms where they have cornered the money of the World and where they sit pulling the strings; fostering, conniving and perpetrating War with profit to themselves paid for by the blood, sweat, tears and toil of the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer and the humbler members of society; and well they might tremble, for, as they listen they can hear, with every increasing distinctness, the sound of the waves at low tide as they wash across the lonely decks of the U.S.S. Arizona with over 2,500 men entombed in her hold, with oil still seeping therefrom to the surface.  It is better to be charitable than miserly, honest than dishonest, direct than indirect, upright than underhanded, intelligent than unintelligent, to have courage than be a coward, to be free than slave, in body and in mind.

I remain, Quite Independently Yours, /s/ Jerome Daly  P.S. Give my best wishes for a New Year to the Boys in the Back Room. J.D. _____________________________________________________________________ PERMISSION TO REPOST GRANTED AS LONG AS THERE ARE NO CHANGES. /s/ John R. Prukop "Reason obeys itself; and ignorance does whatever is dictated to it." --Thomas Paine, Rights of Man ("Conclusion") "All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." --Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803) CCW Coalition: Citizens For A Constitutional Washington John R. Prukop, Executive Director 11910-C Meridian Ave. E., #142 Puyallup, Washington 98373 TEL: (253) 840-8071 FAX: (253) 840-8074 e-mail: ccw@wolfenet.comCONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail communication is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited, unless otherwise authorized herein. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WARNING: Because e-mail can be altered electronically, the integrity of this communication cannot be guaranteed. Return to: ICE New File / Credit <> River Decision Go to: ICE Main Page